RBB: Berlin and Brandenburg want to cap directors’ salaries

by time news

2023-08-28 17:56:09

Media State Treaty

Berlin and Brandenburg want to cap the salary of RBB directors

As of: 5:56 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

ARCHIVE – June 8th, 2023, Berlin: Flags with the logo of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) fly in front of the building of the television center. Berlin and Brandenburg want to stipulate a significantly lower director’s salary than before in the RBB state contract as a consequence of the station crisis and to limit the station chief’s power. (to dpa: “RBB state treaty: countries want to cap directors’ salaries”) Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Source: dpa/Fabian Sommer

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Salary cap, better control, more transparency: The draft of the new RBB state contract is ready. It should come into force by early 2024. The “time of the sun queen” at the broadcaster is over, emphasizes Brandenburg’s media state secretary.

As a consequence of the station crisis, Berlin and Brandenburg want to stipulate a significantly lower salary for directors in the RBB state contract than before and limit the power of the station boss. The Berlin Senate Chancellery and the Brandenburg State Chancellery announced on Monday at the start of the written hearing of the plans that an upper salary limit should be reached for the director of the ARD broadcaster.

The salary according to B 11 State Senator Act Berlin was mentioned as a comparison value. This brings a financial corridor into play. According to the salary table, a senator in Berlin earns a basic monthly salary of around 15,000 euros. In addition, there are other salary components depending on the individual situation. At the same time, the proposal is similar to the corridor of 180,000 to 230,000 euros that RBB chairman Benjamin Ehlers had brought into play some time ago. The supervisory board, the board of directors, negotiates the contract with the top broadcaster. The previous interim director Katrin Vernau had an annual salary of 295,000 euros. That was already below the salary of the director Patricia Schlesinger, who was fired without notice.

Brandenburg State Secretary Benjamin Grimm (SPD), who is responsible for media policy, said: “The time of the sun queen at RBB is over.” Waste against Schlesinger and the resigned CEO Wolf-Dieter Wolf. Both rejected the allegations. The Berlin Attorney General is still investigating. The presumption of innocence applies until the conclusion.

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If a salary cap were actually included in the RBB state contract, Brandenburg and Berlin would go a step further than an earlier proposal from Saarland for Saarländischer Rundfunk. There they want to limit the top salaries as well, but at the same time it is not an irrevocable salary cap. According to the earlier draft law, deviations are possible. The judge’s salary in the public sector was used as a benchmark for new contracts and a gross value of around 180,000 euros per year was given.

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The RBB proposal from the Senate and State Chancellery could come to parliament towards the end of the year. The amendment could then come into force in the first quarter of 2024 after delays in previous years. The state parliaments vote on the state treaty. In public broadcasting, state treaties for ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio regulate the rough structure of the broadcasters that are financed by broadcasting contributions. It’s not about program content, the broadcasters decide that themselves with a view to the constitutionally protected freedom of broadcasting.

Other planned changes in the RBB state contract: The control functions of the supervisory bodies are to be improved. The RBB is to issue a binding code of conduct against corruption. The management is to be streamlined in the form of a board of directors – this is intended to put management on a broader footing. Also new: the board of directors should in future be remunerated for their supervisory activities as a part-time position – so far it has been an honorary position. There are also due diligence requirements for quality assurance – a liability regulation is provided for the director and committee members. In the broadcaster crisis, the control bodies of the RBB also came into focus.

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#RBB #Berlin #Brandenburg #cap #directors #salaries

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