Letter from the Collective of Youth for the Fatherland (CJP) to (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-03 22:28:53

Letter from the Collective of Youth for the Fatherland (CJP) to the President of the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Gabonese Institutions (CTRI)

September 3, 2023

Gabonese youth, through the Collectif des Jeunes pour la Patrie (CJP) has chosen not to follow history. After the army took power on August 30, 2023, through its President, Emmanuel Obakamba Ombana, addressed an open letter to the new strong man of Libreville, the President of the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Institutions Gabonaises (CTRI), General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema.

Collective of Youth for the Fatherland (CJP) Libreville, August 31, 2023

Tel: 065 81 88 44


Mr. President of the Committee for the Transition

and the Restoration of Gabonese Institutions (CTRI),

General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA

Subject: Call for respect and application of United Nations Convention 2250 in the attempt to resolve conflicts through the involvement of youth.

Mr President of the CTRI,

Above all, we want here to welcome your appointment as head of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Gabonese Institutions (CTRI) and share with you and all Gabonese youth, a look of hope for the future. of the 70% of the young population that we represent.

Your appointment comes at a time when the world economy has entered a cycle of transformation through technologies and also in a particular context linked to the Russo-Ukrainian crisis. Like other nations, our country is not immune to this upheaval and these economic shocks. This requires us to have at the head of organizations such as yours, women and men endowed with great managerial capacity and a vision to not only react but also anticipate.

Also, your arrival at the head of the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Gabonese Institutions (CTRI) fills us with hope regarding the many challenges facing young people.

And it is in order to take into consideration the ideas, points of view and suggestions of young people during the solid consensus that you will probably initiate in the very next few days, that young people wish to fully play their role and would in no way want to be the margins of these debates and consultations, in accordance with United Nations Convention 2250, which invites the competent authorities to fully involve young people in situations of prevention, peace, security and conflict resolution.

In the perspective of a favorable follow-up, please accept, Mr. President of the CTRI, the expression of our best regards.

The President of the Youth Collective for the Fatherland,


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