Gabon: What about the composition of the so-called government of (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-08 08:53:35

Gabon: What about the composition of the so-called transition government?

September 8, 2023

In his circumstantial swearing-in speech on September 4, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema hinted at a conciliatory approach which would take into account competence and experience.

The General President of the transition will observe that “With the government that will be put in place in a few days, made up of experienced people and people with proven competence, we will work to give everyone the chance of a better life.“. This sentence, far from being insignificant, added to the warm and endless hugs with several leaders of the Gabonese opposition before the fall of Ali Bongo and numerous hierarchs of the Gabonese Democratic Party who came to experience the event, the man expressed his desire not to row against the tide of national unity and social cohesion.

Contrary to the passionate debates which take place on social networks and everywhere across the country, debates tending to cast opprobrium on “the pedegists”, according to them, responsible and/or complicit in the mismanagement of the Bongo system.

The next government says ”restoration” should be done with the heads (intelligence) available, including those who have worn the CEO hat. Otherwise, how can we imagine a government exclusively made up of Gabonese from the diaspora, civil society actors, soldiers and those called the opposition? Why campaign for exclusion in a context which calls more than ever for social cohesion? How can we hold responsible those skills whose opinions counted for nothing in a system where contradiction was the thing least shared?

This is clearly a false debate, since he himself, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, former boss of the intelligence services, is well placed to know who is who in this country. He is well placed to decide far from partisan influences, with his unifying outlook and the discretionary power that the Gabonese unanimously recognize in him.

The fact remains that bad managers of public funds must be held accountable. And here again, aren’t we risking double standards? That remains the big question. In any case, Gabon will remain one and indivisible. So geopolitical or not, the Gabonese expect a government of competent and experienced men and women. People with well-shaped, well-shaped heads.


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