“The common people will once again pay the high price”

by time news

2023-09-11 19:18:42

The very powerful earthquake which occurred in the Marrakech region shook the whole of Morocco. Its tremors were felt as far away as the city of Fez. Almost no one was able to sleep during the night of Friday September 8 to Saturday September 9. Very shocked, my loved ones were afraid to stay inside their house. It was the apocalypse. It was the end. In a few seconds, everything moves, everything changes, everything falls, including bodies and souls. Sincere, they say while crying: from now on, living will never have the same taste again.

This disaster created a unique bond between Moroccans. They saw death with their own eyes. They understood how vulnerable they are more than ever. Abandoned. Alone. So alone in the face of the endless night and its destructive forces.

From Saturday morning, they started thinking about the others, who were the most affected. And, each in their own way, they wanted to express their solidarity with these others. This earthquake has brought the entire country face to face with this truth that we can no longer afford to hide or disguise: it is the poorest who will mainly suffer the consequences of this tragedy. Moroccans from the villages of the Atlas. The towns. The douars. The bazaars.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the earthquake in Morocco, the response of the authorities suspended to King Mohammed VI

They are not that far from Marrakech, with its luxurious riads and its international jet set. From Djemaa El-Fna Square, when you look up, you can clearly see this other, ignored Morocco, which has lived in destitution and precariousness for too long. The villagers that we see without really seeing them. We constantly pass by them. These Berbers that tourists love to take photos of. They are so beautiful, so simple, so generous, so wonderful, so authentic, they must not change. People constantly transformed into exotic objects. Images of an eternal Morocco which gives so much pleasure to those who still do not want to overcome their orientalist fantasies.

Champions of resilience, until when?

This small Moroccan people will once again pay a high price. In Casablanca, Agadir, Rabat and elsewhere, Moroccan citizens are constantly organizing to come to his aid. They improvise as best they can. There is something admirable there. Really. But unfortunately their solidarity will not be enough. They know that. We all know it.

We never stop asking too much of Moroccans. It seems that they are the champions of resilience. Ah good ! All right. But until when ?

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Earthquake in Morocco: in the rubble of Amizmiz, a martyr town that “smells of death”

The tragedy is enormous, deafening. It keeps growing and growing. And the anger too, it keeps rising and rising. In the many videos circulating everywhere, since Sunday we have seen more and more survivors shouting their dismay, who fearlessly speak of abandonment, who are directly calling on the State. We are thirsty, we are hungry, we are hot and we are cold. We lost everything. And no one comes to help us. For what ?

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