Prepare for the challenges of tomorrow with free online seminars (also for the deaf)

by time news


In collaboration with

There is the free webinar to learn how to write a fairy tale; that for personal growth; the one on the Superbonus 110%; the one to learn how to advertise online; the one to play the piano. Etcetera etcetera.

Open online seminars have boomed: companies, institutions, traditional universities, schools, consulting firms, associations and professionals have seen in the confinement caused by the virus an opportunity to make themselves known and reach new customers by offering courses and lessons to people locked in the house on the most disparate subjects. For students, businesses, workers, housewives an opportunity to pass the time; deepen a topic; or satisfy an old wish.

And then there is the online training real, that of those who for unsuspected times have focused on distance learning as a means of helping people – especially adults – to improve their economic condition and skills by reconciling the time of study with those of work and family.

Many telematic universities and e-learning platforms today offer the so-called Mooc (Massive online open courses), ie free courses open to all, alongside the catalog of paid courses, masters and degrees. The greatest difficulty for the user is to extricate himself from the great sea of ​​offers to achieve the set goal, obtain a result and not waste time on useless lessons.

The free webinars therefore represent an opportunity to deepen a raw material and / or after attending a paid course; test the quality of teachers; verify the seriousness of the platform.

I webinar live gratuiti proposals accessible upon registration, starting from February 2021, from the e-learning platform are designed precisely with a view to being useful to the user by offering him a professional learning experience that can be immediately spent in working life (but also in private life ).

“I’ve always believed in distance education, even when the technologies were not as sophisticated as the current ones – explains Rosalba Fiore, CEO of – I, for example, took the first online exams for Microsoft certifications with remote recognition and monitoring 6 years ago. Today teaching online is within everyone’s reach thanks to tools that are easy to use and cheap, but often there is a lack of adequate preparation: distance learning cannot be improvised. For this – concludes Rosalba Fiore – the live seminars that we will hold during 2021 (at least two per month) will be held exclusively by teachers with proven experience in online teaching».

I seminari, in live streaming, will focus on subjects transversal to many professions and to many of the courses in the catalog: “It is a gift that we do not only to our customers, but to anyone who wants to update their digital skills and he has no other means of doing so ».

Unique in their kind, the courses will also be accessible to deaf people: thanks to the partnership with Veasyt, an interpreter will be present for the simultaneous translation into sign language.

The free courses will be held, as mentioned, by teachers with great experience in teaching for adults, as well as competence in their respective subjects. “Some of them are our internal consultants – explains Rosalba Fiore – Others come from the training centers we collaborate with”. Among others, Egidio Imbrogno (digital marketing consultant and e-commerce consultant); Linda Anna Pavia (counselor and Senior network manager of the University Training Center); Adele Alagia (biologist and science communicator); Ugo Lopez (IT engineer and IT trainer); Sabina Bonardo (trainer and voice coach); Fabio Alieri (consultant and trainer in the field of business intelligence).

Themes will range from document processing, presentations and spreadsheets secure internet management; from online communication to smart working; from accounting to e-commerce.

The first LIVE on the agenda are:

Evolution in Disease Treatment: A Look at the Genome Editing Revolution, DNA Cut and Sew – Adele Alagia,

University orientation – Linda Anna Pavia,

Focus on professions (job opportunities / registration in the registers) – Linda Anna Pavia,

Your voice in the selection interview – Sabina Bonardo,

The voice in business – Sabina Bonardo,

What voice do your ideas have – Sabina Bonardo,

· GDPR base – Ugo Lopez,

Security for workers of small and large companies – Ugo Lopez,

Microsoft 365 in SMEs and professional firms – Ugo Lopez,

· Microsoft Teams – Fabio Alieri,

Trello – Fabio Alieri,

· Microsoft One Note – Fabio Alieri,

Microsoft Planner – Fabio Alieri,

· E-Commerce – Egidio Imbrogno.

It is a cycle of webinar in streaming, provided through the Vimeo platform, with a purely informative approach and an increasing level of difficulty. The lessons will last 30 minutes, will be full of content, “vertical” on a specific theme and practical to put the student in a position to immediately use the notions learned and be ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

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