COVID-19 Vaccine Update: Annual Shots Now Available in the United States, Including Recommendations for the Netherlands

by time news

2023-09-15 20:47:52
New Annual Coronavirus Vaccine Available in the United States, Netherlands Implements Targeted Approach

As the fight against the coronavirus continues, the United States has introduced a new annual vaccine to combat the virus. Starting today, individuals in the US can receive an annual shot against the coronavirus at various locations. This recommendation comes from the American Disease Control Center (CDC), which advised that everyone over the age of six months should be vaccinated against COVID-19. The first shots could be administered within 48 hours of the announcement.

Unlike the Netherlands, where the COVID-19 vaccine is not yet included in the standard vaccination program, the United States will offer the coronavirus vaccine annually alongside the flu shot. This step aims to ensure widespread protection against both influenza and COVID-19. The CDC’s decision reflects the importance of maintaining immunity and preventing the spread of the virus.

In the Netherlands, the Health Council states that a significant portion of the population has already built up immunity against the coronavirus through vaccination or prior infection. As a result, not everyone will be required to receive a booster shot this winter. However, the Health Council emphasizes the importance of maintaining immunity in the population for the time being.

To achieve this, certain groups in the Netherlands are recommended to get a corona shot. This includes individuals aged 60 and older, pregnant women, healthcare staff, and individuals between 18 and 60 years old who are already invited annually for the flu shot. Specifically, those with a high medical risk are urged to get vaccinated.

Starting next week, Dutch citizens aged 60 and over will receive invitations for the corona shot, which can be administered from October 2nd. However, other groups recommended for vaccination will not receive official invitations. Instead, they need to make an appointment with the local health authority (GGD) from mid-October. This is due to the fact that patient data is only known to general practitioners (GPs), who are not obligated to invite eligible patients for the corona shot. However, GPs can inform patients about their eligibility for a corona vaccination when inviting them for the flu shot.

The availability of the corona shot in the Netherlands extends until the end of December. Pregnant women and individuals referred by a doctor due to a high medical risk will still have access to the vaccine afterward. The Health Council emphasizes that the inclusion of the corona shot in an annual vaccination program depends on the future development of the virus. The council recommends evaluating the vaccination program annually in the coming years, making any necessary adjustments accordingly.

As the world continues to address the COVID-19 pandemic, countries like the United States and the Netherlands are taking different approaches to ensure the population’s safety and well-being. Whether through annual vaccination plans or targeted recommendations, the goal remains the same: to protect individuals from the coronavirus and minimize its impact on society.]
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