Citadel CEO Ken Griffin with no immediate plans to donate to any GOP presidential primary candidates – including Ron DeSantis: ‘I’m still on the sidelines’

by time news

Citadel CEO Ken Griffin Stays on Sidelines, Declines to Donate to GOP Presidential Candidates

In a recent interview with CNBC, Citadel CEO Ken Griffin announced that he has no immediate plans to donate to any GOP presidential primary candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who he once pledged his support to. Griffin, who has contributed millions to Republican campaigns in the past, explained that he has not found any of the candidates trailing front-runner Donald Trump to be particularly compelling.

During the interview, Griffin expressed his desire to see younger candidates from both major parties enter the race for the presidency. He believes that having a debate centered around ideas, principles, and policies would be beneficial for the country. “If I had my dream, we’d have a great Republican candidate in the primary who was younger, of a different generation, with a different tone for America,” Griffin stated.

Griffin’s decision to stay on the sidelines is a blow to the GOP hopefuls hoping to gain ground on Trump, as he is worth a staggering $35 billion. According to CNBC, Griffin donated $100 million to state and federal campaigns ahead of the 2022 midterms.

For DeSantis, Griffin’s decision is particularly disappointing. In November, the hedge fund leader had expressed his support for the Florida governor’s potential presidential run, praising his record as governor. However, Griffin now claims that he doesn’t understand DeSantis’s 2024 strategy and questions which voter base he intends to appeal to.

The news of Griffin withdrawing his support comes at a time when DeSantis’s popularity has waned. Recent polls show that DeSantis holds the support of only 14 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters, compared to Trump’s commanding 55 percent. In July, DeSantis enjoyed an average of 21 percent support among the same group.

Griffin is not the only major donor to distance himself from DeSantis in the presidential race. Walter Buckley Jr., a top contributor to DeSantis’s 2022 reelection campaign, has also backed away and donated to former New Jersey governor Chris Christie instead. Additionally, former Illinois governor Bruce Rauner has thrown his support behind former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley.

DeSantis faces further challenges with the Republican Party’s Florida arm voting against requiring presidential primary candidates to promise support for the eventual nominee. This outcome means that Trump, who has refused to make a similar pledge at the national level, can appear on the ballot in DeSantis’s home state without signing a state-level oath.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has also taken a swipe at DeSantis, stating in a recent interview that he expects Trump to be the Republican nominee because he is stronger now than before the 2016 or 2020 elections. McCarthy asserted that DeSantis is not on the same level as President Trump in terms of popularity and strength.

Responding to McCarthy’s comments, DeSantis highlighted Florida’s budget surpluses and criticized McCarthy and Trump for adding $7 trillion to the national debt. The Florida governor portrayed the DC Establishment’s lack of support for his presidential ambitions as a badge of honor.

In contrast to DeSantis’s challenges, Trump has garnered numerous high-profile endorsements, including that of Senator Mike Braun from Indiana. Several former governors and dozens of House members have also endorsed the former president, solidifying his position as the Republican frontrunner.

Contributors Emily Guskin and Hannah Knowles have played a role in compiling this report.

Note: This article has been corrected to accurately reflect that former Illinois governor Bruce Rauner supports Nikki Haley’s run for president, rather than contributing to her campaign.

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