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2023-09-20 21:39:40



Selection of a Consulting Firm responsible for Works Control and Supervision replacement of the RIMA/SOGEM OPGW Fiber Optic Guard Cable and works supply and set up of a Fallback Dispatching in Kayes in Mali

The Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS) through the Manantali Energy Management Company (SOGEM), as part of its investment program, intends to use part of the amount intended for the investment budget to make payments under the contract relating to Control and Supervision of replacement work for the RIMA/SOGEM OPGW Optical Fiber Ground Cable and supply and installation work of a Dispatching de Fallback in Kayes in Mali. The General Management of the Manantali Energy Management Company (SOGEM), located in Bamako/Mali, intends to proceed, on the basis of an open selection method, to the choice of a consulting firm for the control and supervision of the replacement work of the RIMA/SOGEM OPGW Optical Fiber Guard Cable et work to supply and set up a Fallback Dispatching in Kayes in Mali.The work concerns the replacement of the current OPGW fiber throughout the RIMA with a new optical fiber ground cable comprising 48 FO strands, i.e. a capacity of 24 pairs and the creation of a fallback center for the Manantali Dispatching which will consist of creating a mirror of the existing situation in the town of Kayes in Mali, in order to ensure operation of the RIMA in the event of unavailability of the main dispatching located in Manantali

The services expected from the Consultant include the control and supervision of supplies and works including the operational guarantee in order to ensure their proper execution in accordance with the international norms and standards in force.

The Consultant must define with the various entities concerned by the project (the Project Owner (SOGEM) and its Operator, SEMAF-SA), the best solution which must be deployed in order not to interrupt current services during construction operations. replacement of the OPGW cable and implementation of fallback dispatching.

The Consultant must use his skills to achieve the above mission objectives.

The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the Project Owner’s staff assigned to the project throughout the duration of the mission. To this end, he will define for this staff, a training program to be carried out by himself and by the company and will supervise the implementation of this program which must integrate all aspects linked to the engineering and maintenance of the new CGFO network of RIMA and the new fallback dispatching.

4. The Consultant Services (“Services”), without being limited, consist of carrying out the following activities:

Approval and validation of execution plans Participation in the reception of equipment in the factory and on the respective sites Ensure control and supervision of work on sites; Ensure monitoring of the operational guarantee; Assist the MO in monitoring contract provisions

5. The General Management of SOGEM invites eligible, qualified, interested and available candidates or groups (Firms/Companies/offices) to express their interest in providing the services described above. Interested Consultants must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The establishment of the shortlist will be based on the following non-limiting criteria:

a) the qualifications of the candidates (general and specific qualifications including mastery of the CGFO network of RIMA or WAPP given the criticality and/or the establishment of fallback dispatching);
b) human resources;

The selection of the Consultant Firm will be made using the Quality and Cost Based Selection method.

SOGEM reserves the right to require or seek, if necessary, additional information to verify/confirm the regularity and authenticity of the information and documents provided during the examination of files.

Only the missions which are the subject of attestations issued by the beneficiaries will be taken into account account during of the evaluation demonstrations of interest but all walk or proven contract or verifiable par the Maitre of Work sera valid.

Several firms can come together to submit a joint application.

6. Expressions of interest, in French, must be submitted, no later than October 9, 2023, at 12 p.m. (time of Bamako) with the mention ” Selection of a Consulting Firm responsible for Control and Supervision of replacement work of the OPGW Optical Fiber Guard Cable from RIMA/SOGEM and works of supply et implementation place from a Fallback Dispatching to Kayes in Mali”, at the following addresses:

a) General Management of the Manantali Management Company (SOGEM)

Address : Hamdallaye ACI 2000 Bamako, Republic of MALI/Secretariat of

General Manager, 4th floor


b) emails following: [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected].

Interested consulting firms can obtain additional information at the following addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected].

Done in Bamako, September 20, 2023

The General Director of SOGEM

Mohamed Mahmoud SID’ELEMINE


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