“We have always taken the risk of denouncing the (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-21 10:10:06

“We have always taken the risk of denouncing the opaque and corrupt governance of Lee White”

September 21, 2023

The Water and Forests sector was plagued by multiple crises. The agents were on strike all the time to denounce the mismanagement of this ministry. With the arrival of the new power in place and the arrest of former minister Lee White, many are rejoicing so that he can be held accountable. Nicaise Moulombi, Executive President of ROSCEVAC, answered a few questions.

The former Minister of Water and Forests was arrested before being released. The junta suspects him of embezzlement of public funds. You who have repeatedly stepped up to denounce his governance, are you satisfied?

Above all, I would like, in my capacity as Executive President of ROSCEVAC, the executive agency of ECCAS, to salute once again the authorities of the Transition at the head of which, Mr. President and Head of State, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema , who succeeded in freeing Gabon from a power led by a group of young friends, without real skills or experience.

The archives are available. We have always taken the risk of denouncing the opaque and corrupt governance of Minister Lee White and all of his teams. This gentleman has always turned a deaf ear in permanent violation of Gabon’s national and international commitments by flouting the elementary principles of climate and environmental governance. We denounced forestry delinquency in Gabon, but this gentleman, filled with deep contempt for the people and the agents of his ministry, told us that he only had orders to receive from the Presidency of the Republic..

Today, my safistaction is alongside the entire Gabonese population who want the Gabon worthy of envy to be effective. Today the CTRI, the government and the justice system of our country are restoring oxygen to the hearts of the Gabonese people. We hope that justice will be done with respect for human dignity and that the guilty will be held accountable for their crime as in any state of law.

A new Minister of Water and Forests has been appointed. What requests do you make to the graduates to work together?

The main request that we are making to the Minister of Water and Forests, Colonel Maurice NTOSSUI, is to restore serenity to this ministry. We will have to get rid of the weeds still lurking in the shadow of this administration, because an entire system of predation has been installed there..

Also, the Minister will have to move away from the communication operations of his predecessor Lee White who tried to sell forest governance internationally while on the ground, in our villages, our parents’ fields are devastated by elephants or even our waters are polluted by oil and mining companies without worry.

The Minister should focus his action on the interests of local communities, on simple and high-impact projects. But also to restore confidence to industrialists in the forestry sector who were no longer in phase with it and the government has the example of the members of UFIGA who suffered.

As for international negotiations, it will have to surround itself with the expertise of civil society. ROSCEVAC is prepared to support Gabon in this decisive process. Finally, the Minister must, as soon as possible, receive all the major players in the ecosystem in order to support him in the success of his missions assigned by the president of the CTRI

Your final word.

Our country is going through an important phase towards happiness, towards this stable and lasting happiness dreamed of by our ancestors *Gabon is immortal, on August 30, 2023 the CTRI demonstrated it to us again with the presence of 13 defense force officers like 12 apostles in the Bible, a strong symbol with prayer for the start of their conclave. It is therefore important that all true patriots come together to build this new building together, this new Gabon which must start again on solid foundations. I end by paying tribute to the action of the Head of State towards respect for the dead. What remains is the organization of National Mourning for the Missing of 2016 for the rest of their souls.

Thank you.

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