Temporada Alta premieres ‘The Irish Bones’

by time news

2023-10-02 14:18:18

Temporada Alta has presented the winning proposal of the Quim Masó Award 2022 ‘The bones of the Irishman’, by Victor Borràs, under the direction of Xavier Ricard and with the Teatre Nu company. The Nordic comedy thriller looks at men’s inability to deal with their feelings and the revelation of secrets in a small town. The production will premiere on October 20 at the Teatre de Salt and will then be installed at the Akadèmia Theater in Barcelona from November 15 to December 10. As part of Temporada Alta, the 13th Catalan Dramaturgy Tournament will be held on October 9 with the presence of playwrights such as Lali Álvarez Garriga, Sergio Baos, Frank Bayer, Pau Coya, Aleix Fauró, Isis Martin, Gemma Rodríguez and Amparo Vayà .

‘The Irishman’s Bones’

Starring by Ivan Benet, Norbert Martínez and Ernest Villegas, tells from a thriller in the form of a comedy how uncovering secrets can turn personal ties into hostile territory. The comedy is mirrored in the dramaturgies that focus attention on the rural world. In fact, the work takes place in a small Catalan town where the land still marks the day-to-day life of the people who live there.

The production was presented in the last edition and will be premiered this year. In addition to receiving the Quim Masó 2022 prize, the production was also awarded a scholarship by the Sala Beckett in the 2020-2021 season with a playwriting grant, which was awarded with the pandemic in mind. In 2022, the production won the Frederic Rahola Prize, which, in addition to a financial endowment, also provides for the editing of the text.

The director Xavier Ricard has explained that it is a “rural” black comedy with “a lot of Irish writing”. “With repetitive dialogue, characters who find it difficult to explain themselves. A subtext about the wretched human being where the flaws shine through”; Ricard explained.

In fact, ‘The Irishman’s bones’ is a portrait of men’s inability to relate and explain their emotions in a “clear and orderly” way. The plot tells the story of three friends who had a big problem and who meet again 20 years later when this secret is about to come to light.

Located in a town in the interior of Catalonia “that could be anyone”, the work deals with anger, emotions and misunderstandings. “Deep down, men want to know what will happen to them and they have to solve who they are themselves,” explained Ricard.

In a press conference, the actors explained that the text “makes a difference” to the generation of men born in the 70s “without being moralistic or pedagogic”. “How do we solve things with a stick, for fear of showing ourselves weak and admitting that we don’t know everything”, they emphasized.

The characters are Xevi, Hector and Llorenç. The first works in a bank office in the town, the second is in charge of a warehouse even if he had wanted to be an actor and Llorenç lives with his mother.

Catalan Dramaturgy Tournament

As for the Catalan Dramaturgy Tournament that promotes Temporada Alta, eight authors who have never participated in the initiative are taking part in the competition. They are Lali Álvarez Garriga, Sergio Baos, Frank Bayer, Pau Coya -winner of the last Balearic Islands tournament-, Aleix Fauró, Isis Martin, Gemma Rodríguez and Amparo Vayà -winner of the last Valencian tournament-.

Tournament participants will work for the audience to choose the best text in each bout and the final winner. The particular competition will take place on October 9, 16 and 23, November 6, 13 and 20 and December 4, which will be when the final will be played. It will not be possible to follow the competition electronically.

This year the contest reaches the symbolic figure of 100 authors who have gone through the battle over the course of 13 years. According to the organization, between 10 and 20% of the winners of the tournament have managed to produce the works.

In terms of programming, the Girona festival has recalled that Catalan creation will be represented with 80 very diverse shows, some of which are by established authors and others by new and emerging artists.

The textual authors who will premiere shows this edition, some in co-production, will be Jordi Oriol with ‘Sísif fa no fa’, David Martínez with ‘Com qui sent ploure’, Susanna Barranco with ‘V7: El problema sigue en pie’, Sergi Buka with ‘The image hunter’, Las chicas del barro with ‘Cos(i)ficades)’ and La Mouchles & Sentí with ‘Nodi: de gossos i malditos’ and Cascai Teatre with ‘Un tal Quixot’.

There will also be works that have already been seen in the country by Joan Yago, Marc Rosich, Sergi Belbel, Jordi Galceran, Carmen Margà and Yago Alonso, Ada Vilaró or the companies La Calòrica or Las chatis de Montalbán. In contemporary Catalan creation, names such as Roger Bernat, Nao Albet and Marcel Borràs, Col·lectiu Las Huecas, cabosanroque, Lali Ayguadé, Mal Pelo, Lorena Nogal or La Veronal stand out.

#Temporada #Alta #premieres #Irish #Bones

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