AU and AfDB: Promoting Nutrition as a factor (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-30 19:41:00

AU and AfDB: Promoting Nutrition as an essential factor in the social and economic development of the continent

September 30, 2023

Promoting nutrition as an essential factor in the social and economic development of the continent is an opportunity for development projects and youth job creation for Gabon. Faced with unemployment, the Youth Collective for the Homeland (CJP) through the voice of Andrey Wilson Ignanga Ignanga, Advisor in charge of agro-pastoral issues, is considering nine proposals

As a reminder, it was on the occasion of the 36th ordinary session of Heads of State and governments held in Addis Ababa, on February 18 and 19, that a strong commitment was made by the leaders to make nutrition, a priority of priorities, thus placing it in the top 5 priorities of the African Development Bank (AfDB). A strategic positioning of nutrition resulting from the resolutions of the said ordinary session, and which had made Heads of State and governments, Champions of nutrition with the aim of raising nutrition as a priority of a country’s development projects .

These resolutions arise from the impact of malnutrition on the continent. Indeed, according to “ According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malnutrition undermines economic growth. Well-nourished children perform better in school compared to malnourished children. And this could translate into an increase of at least 10% in the earnings acquired by an individual over their lifetime, and thus contribute to a more productive workforce resulting in an increase of 2 to 3% in GDP. annual of the country ».

With an unemployment rate reaching 35.7% among young people aged 15 to 24 and given the current challenges, it is interesting to direct many of them into this sector in order to put an end to malnutrition. . The Youth Collective for the Fatherland issues, in this sense, proposals constituting possible solutions in order to support the commitment of Heads of State but also to participate in achieving the objectives of the implementation of the National Policy Food and Nutritional Security (PNSAN). All this, with the aim of raising nutrition as a priority in the country’s social and economic development project.

To the question of how young people can seize nutrition opportunities, the Youth Collective for the Homeland (CJP) through the voice of Andrey Wilson Ignanga Ignanga, Advisor in charge of agro-pastoral issues, considers it among others in 9 proposals:

1.1 Promote the professions of nutritionist and dietitian in order to participate in the prevention and management of obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases;

1.2 Promote good nutrition through the popularization of National Dietary Recommendations (RAN) and Food Guides;

1.3 Strengthen information, awareness and training of youth organizations on the importance of healthy and nutritious food for sustainable development;

1.4 Encourage young people in agricultural entrepreneurship in order to increase local production of food products;

1.5 Promote rational agricultural mechanization to compensate for the shortage of local labor;

1.6 Promote the consumption of NTFPs by strengthening domestication programs;

1.7 Develop value chains in plant production with high nutritional value (fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes) and promote the consumption of local products and particularly those with high nutritional value;

1.8 Encourage the domestication or production of food products used in the food composition of local menus;

1.9 Develop action research in nutrition and food in the technical and technological fields and the social sciences.

Ultimately, taking into account the opinions of young people will strongly contribute to boosting economic growth through their professional integration. Their strong involvement guarantees the sustainability of government decisions and actions.

For the Youth Collective for the Fatherland (CJP)


Advisor, in charge of agro-pastoral issues

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