Inés Temple: Fear of employability | ECONOMY

by time news

2023-10-07 18:03:28

Recently, several of us were asked about our main professional achievements. Each one gave their answer and mine was having introduced ideas and concepts such as employability, outplacement, emotional salary, personal marketing, among others, to Peru. The next question, about frustrations, was hard to answer. For me it was that, despite the time that has passed, many organizations still do not choose to treat the people they must let go with maximum respect and do not dare to establish a culture that inspires them to develop employability in their teams.

And this, despite the fact that the way we all see the world of work has changed a lot since the pandemic. Today, talents and younger people are looking for experiences and not jobs. Today they want employability skills, not lifelong careers. Today they seek a shared purpose, not cold results. They want trust and transparency, not governance and politics. Today we all have new expectations!

Amartya Sen, 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, said that “poverty is the absence of capabilities, because when a person has not developed their capabilities, they do not even realize the opportunities.”

Even so, many organizations still fear that, if their employees develop their capacity to be more employable, they will leave, like birds released from their cage. Promoting a culture of employability is, on the contrary, one where everyone understands the new work paradigms, they understand that there is no secure job, that security comes from their productivity and level of employability. Where everyone recognizes themselves as “providers” of services for their “client” company and works focused with the lucidity of having internalized that they are not paid to go to work, but to add value every day and generate concrete and quantified achievements. And where everyone assumes responsibility for their productivity, validity and competitiveness.

And the employability culture shows respect for people, since it allows them to reflect on their career project and invest their energy in creating new experiences, achieving high performance in the current role, which leads them to other potential roles. It leads them to develop breadth by experiencing various new areas over time. They lose their fear of internal mobility, accelerate, explore, develop their skills portfolio, consider moves in a variety of directions to develop a diversified portfolio and evolve over time.

They are more willing to take on new challenges, explore lateral moves while remaining calm, and have an impact. It inspires them to continually learn, to grow personally and add additional value to the organization, enriching themselves, realigning themselves with full awareness of their achievements. To develop new skills and competencies to compete and remain relevant and current in the organization’s internal market. To be more assertive, develop more rewarding relationships and always act in a manner consistent with maintaining your reputation and personal brand positive, current and relevant.

Let’s put aside the fears that prevent us from seeing the opportunities to grow and prosper.

#Inés #Temple #Fear #employability #ECONOMY

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