Two more gang members who were still operating in the north of San Salvador fall

by time news

2023-10-04 04:07:00

Added to these is another member of a terrorist group who, after serving a sentence for two crimes, will continue to be prosecuted for Illegal Groups.

Photo: PNC.

San Salvador. In the Regalito de Dios community on km 14 of the Troncal del Norte highway, Kelly Francis Martín Pineda, known in the gang world as “Popeye,” was arrested.

This terrorist, a member of the 18 R gang, was the homeboy in charge of moving drugs, transported illicit drugs and reported on police movements, according to the institution.

Despite his criminal actions, he tried to hide from the War Against Gangs but was found by the authorities, who said that Pineda has a record since 2010 for Resistance and Illicit Groups.

Also arrested in the late hours of Tuesday afternoon, in Aguilares, Jesús Flores Vásquez, a terrorist known with the alias “Fantasma”; The Police hold him responsible for several murders. He has a record since 2007 for aggravated homicide and illicit groups. He is also a member of the 18R and is being investigated for other crimes that he may have committed.

These are added to the case of Carlos Antonio García Pineda, alias “Little Mora”, a gang member and member of the 18R, who played the role of palabrero for a clique in Zacatecoluca.

He recently served a sentence for the crimes of illicit drug trafficking and Possession and Carrying of a Firearm; but he will continue to be detained to face a new trial for Illegal Groups.

#gang #members #operating #north #San #Salvador #fall

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