“The real false start of a suspicious transition?” by (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-10-13 21:18:34

“The real false start of a suspicious transition?” by Benjamin Evine Binet

October 13, 2023

Barely 40 days after the death of the “Bongo” system, while the fortieth day after death, marks the beginning of reunion and acceptance of death, in several religions and other anthropo-philosophical beliefs, the Society Gabonese civilians are preparing their weapons for future wars.

While the Gabonese have not finished savoring the end of the Bongo reign following the ”Liberation Shot” orchestrated by the Committee for Transition and Restoration of CTRI Institutions, while ”without a family” welcomes as a new tenant, a certain Sylvia Bongo Valentin, former first lady of the country, while large caches of money and other goods fraudulently subtracted from the Gabonese state continue to be flushed out here and there with, at the key, investigations and other legal proceedings in progress, while the day after his seizure of power, the new strong man of Gabon cleared his membership of the Bongo, the boss of the CTRI swore, with his hand on his heart, to have come to restore their freedom and dignity to the Gabonese people, some have noted a snag in the composition of the new government team.

What followed was some sulking, nothing more. But already some suspicions were arising in the proven capacity of the General President to carry out a real purge of the bad grain at the heart of the senior administration.

The pavement in the pond

Since the official publication of the decrees appointing members of the transitional parliament on Saturday October 7, an outcry has been observed from civil society which, until then, was in perfect conviviality with the transitional authorities.

Two statements from the two most important civil society organizations came to break the mood.

The Group of Forces of the Nation for Monitoring the Acts of the Transition GFNSAT in its public declaration does not mince its words. “ Today, more than a month later, the GFNSAT and a large part of the Gabonese people note, regret and condemn, the drift towards which the CTRI is leading the country. » said Jean Robert Menié, spokesperson for the conference of presidents. And to drive home the point, the organization ”calls for a major general mobilization this Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 9 a.m. at the Nzeng-Ayong roundabout”.

And the same causes producing the same effects, the other fringe of civil society, the COPIL citizen and company which also rebel against the composition ”oven-all” of parliament, with the manipulation of the Transition Charter to make room for around fifteen Pedegists to the detriment of civil society.

“…The addition in violation of the charter of the word ”executives” allowed the authors of this shameless manipulation of our charter which is the equivalent of the Constitution to justify the presence, on behalf of civil society, of more than fifteen members of political organizations including at least ten executives of the CEO. ..”

The discomfort is real. And he risks spreading oil in the court of the General President of the Transition. Several analysts and informed observers of political life in Gabon are unanimous on this subject.

So what ?

And so, the new tenant of the Rénovation palace found a way to anger his fervent allies of yesterday. Did the General President miss the coach? If so, a simple casting error or a desire to bring back to business a regime kicked out? These questions torment the minds of many Gabonese people.

On social networks and local media, debates rage. Civil society organizations denounce. They call on the General President to put out of harm’s way, the ”treacherous deceivers” who want to mislead him. They request a meeting for explanation and clarification, or better they invite the boss of the CTRI to review his copy. Civil society announces, if necessary, a break with the new power.

So what ?

And then, there is no smoke without fire! If not, who can explain the reason for such a bloated parliament when we know that it will be accompanied by a Constituent Assembly whose missions could not be clearer?

Isn’t this politically dominated National Assembly at risk of turning into a free-for-all where PDs, initial opposition and civil society will spend most of the time at each other’s throats?

In all cases, civil society says it reserves the right to exit the transition process. So, to slam the door of parliament.

So what ?

And so this attitude falls under common sense. If we don’t agree, we leave and we retain the right to express our dissatisfaction.

And then, logically, civil society remains the counter-power of a power which risks making some mistakes!

And then we can stupidly wonder which fly bitten ”people from civil society” so that they believe that from now on their place is in the National Assembly and the Senate? Two political institutions par excellence!

If, by extraordinary means, all the actors of civil society integrate parliament into a political transition where there is neither opposition nor majority, who will play the role of guide of democracy? Who can say stop the politico-military maneuvers in the post-transition perspective?

Unless we have the power to thunder in the hemicycle, if necessary, and to mobilize crowds in the streets when we disagree with those in power! Obviously civil society is risking a game of ”judge and party’’.

Whatever happens, the General President has every interest in playing fair. Not to change the rules of the game during the match and above all not to be lulled by the possible ”Oligui boys” as was the case at a certain time, not as long ago as that.


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