Revealed the size of the indexation of pensions in China

by time news

The Chinese publish a calculator based on the example of Aunt Wang

The Chinese public “Voice of Social Security” has published a calculator of pensions, which can be used to get an idea of ​​their size and indexation in China. The calculations are based on the example of a certain Aunt Wang.

The indexation of the Chinese pension, the authors explain, consists of three parts and depends on the region where the pensioner lives.

The first part is fixed for all residents of a certain province and increases annually. Imaginary Aunt Wang from Shandong Province has a pension of 2,250 yuan (25,760 rubles, the yuan costs 11.45 rubles). The fixed markup for 2020 was RMB 52 per month (595 rubles).

The second part of indexing depends on the length of service. If he is less than 15 years old – it is 1.5 yuan for each year worked, 16-25 years – 2 yuan, 26-35 years – 2.5 yuan, 35-45 years – 3 yuan. The aunt’s experience in the above example is 33 years. In total for the length of service she is paid an analogue 948 rubles per month.

The third part is additional indexation for the least protected, for example, pensioners from remote mountainous regions of the country. Aunt Wang is not in this category.

In addition, in December 2019, the heroine’s basic pension was increased by 1.7% (the authors do not name the reason, obviously, they are talking about some kind of intermediate indexation).

In total, it turns out that the aunt receives 2,250 yuan, plus 52 fixed allowances for the region, plus the seniority allowance (33 years multiplied by 2.5 yuan) – 82.5 yuan, plus 38.25 yuan of additional indexation. In total, these surcharges amount to 173 yuan, or 1980 rubles per month.

So Aunt Wang’s allowance is 7.6% of her pension.

Indexing in our understanding is difficult to calculate, since we do not know the data for previous years. But on average, according to the Chinese portal, this year the pensions of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will be indexed by 4.5% (last year they were indexed by 5%, but the situation was affected by the pandemic). For comparison, in Russia this year social pensions were indexed by 3.4%.

In total, our aunt Wang receives 27,749 rubles a month. Not very thick. The level of well-being of the average Chinese can be judged by the recent tragic story of the super marathon in China, when two dozen people died – despite the bad weather forecast and a hundred-kilometer distance in the mountains, many did not want to leave the route because of the promised bonus: for completing the marathon to the end, people received would be 600 yuan (6,870 rubles).

Read the material Countries where there are no pensions at all have become a sad example of Russia “.


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