Almost 50 publishers will participate in the 6th edition of the Indilletres fair in Bisbal d’Empordà

by time news

2023-10-20 16:33:53

La Bisbal d’Empordà will celebrate on December 2 and 3 the 6th edition of Indilletres. This year the fair will be the meeting point of 46 independent publishers from all over the Catalan Countries, in addition to bookshops and libraries in a proposal that has around thirty activities and the presentation of twenty books. In addition, an afternoon will be dedicated to the figure of Jacint Verdaguer, in which the preview will be held exclusively in the Girona regions of the documentary ‘Canigó 1883’ directed by Albert Naudín. And also the delivery of the V Llucieta Canyà Award for Literary Criticism. Most of the activity will be as usual in the pavilion and the book presentations will be distributed between the Mundial theater and the Lluïsa Duran library.

The 6th edition of the Indilletres was presented this Friday in the Voltes d’en Galí, during the weekly market in Bisbal. Between December 2 and 3, the town will host debates, conferences, social gatherings, theater concerts and a great literary showcase. “The programming is once again uncomplicated and includes a wide range of activities that strictly transcend literature,” the organization emphasized.

The engine warm-up will be on Friday, with a previous event organized by Òmnium Cultural Baix Empordà at the Teatre Mundial: the screening of ‘The Limits of the Costa Brava by Antoni Martí’, a reflection on where this territory is going, followed by ‘a colloquium with the participation of members of the SOS Costa Brava federation.

V Llucieta Canyà Award

On Saturday, the presentation of the 6th edition by filmmaker Albert Serra (writer, director and producer of internationally renowned Catalan cinema), will be followed by the 5th Llucieta Canyà Award for published literary criticism. At eleven o’clock there will be a presentation by Aïda Ayats and at twelve o’clock at noon, the V Llucieta Canyà Prize awarded in 500 euros will be presented.

Last year it was won by Joan Burdeus for the article ‘Els consols d’Houellebecq’ in the digital medium Núvol. In 2022 it was won by Marina Porras; Eva Vázquez, in 2021; and in 2020, the first edition of the award, it was won by Pere Antoni Pons. From Indilletres they argue that “good literary criticism can help improve the work of authors and publishers, strengthen literature in Catalan and, therefore, contribute to improving the cultural ecosystem”.

Publishers increase

As for the number of participating publishers, this year there will be four more. “The fact that the number of publishing houses that participate continues to increase is an unequivocal sign of the good health of the Bisbalenca book fair, which this year will have a 180-metre book display,” explains the organization. Three bookstores from La Bisbal will also participate: Puput Bookstore, La Siglantana Bookstore and L’Esborrany Bookstore.

Tribute to Jacint Verdaguer

On Saturday afternoon there will be a series of activities around the figure of Jacint Verdaguer. The first will be at four in the afternoon for the family audience and by Caro von Arend: ‘Canigó, a giant story’. At six o’clock, his figure will be reflected on with the conversation ‘Verdaguer without a cassock’ moderated by Jordina Boix, director of the Verdaguer Foundation, which will also have the participation of Àlvar Valls and Roser Carol. And at seven o’clock there will be the poetic and musical assembly ‘La Pomerola, the poet’, with Anna Maluquer on vocals and Natàlia Arroyo on clarinet. The show is based on the long poem that Jacint Verdaguer composed during the most dramatic and distressing moments of his life. Finally, at half past nine in the evening, ‘Canigó 1883. Jacint Verdaguer’s Pyrenean legend’, directed by Albert Naudín, will premiere exclusively in the Girona regions.

Throughout the weekend, various activities are scheduled, in addition to conferences and twenty book presentations. The program will end on Sunday with a concert by Xarim Aresté, who will offer a concert of versions in acoustic format at a quarter to eight in the Fair pavilion.


Indilletres was born in 2018 on the initiative of a group of residents who wanted to organize a fair of independent publishers in the Bisbal d’Empordà. The aim is to “promote reading and give visibility to independent Catalan publishing houses and authors”.

The mayor, Òscar Aparicio, took part in the presentation ceremony; the Councilor for Culture, Eva Rovira and the members of the Indilletres organization, Xavier Cortadellas and Judit Pujadó. Mireia Mena and Guillem Ballaz livened it up with a gloss performance. The poster for this 6th edition of the Indilletres fair was made by the painter Rui Gomes.

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