the blindness of Mona Chollet or the worst of the left, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express

by time news

2023-10-27 16:00:00

There’s a strange atmosphere. A generalized despondency, a distrust, a fear that sneaks into the looks, the tense bodies in the metro, the conversations where we look behind our backs and whisper. It is the Israel-Hamas conflict which revives the identity rage maintained by Islamism and aided by Wokistan, but above all the uninhibited speech, the outrageous expression of any opinion, the anger which accompanies it, the identity that screams behind every conviction, humanist confusion.

Mona Chollet, the guru of loveless women, the thinker of collective female disempowerment, purveyor of a beautiful historical scam about witches reduced to being nothing more than victims, also prides herself on making her contribution to the Israel-Hamas conflict . She takes offense at a tweet where she calls out to Libé whose cover of October 9 dared to display the pogrom of October 7: “Are you aware that there are also hundreds of people killed on the Palestinian side, @Libé? Entire families massacred? Wrong skin color, perhaps?” Jewish families have just been massacred but Mona Chollet can only cry for the dead in her camp, the damned of the earth, the oppressed by colonization, as the Islamist catechism taught her. As for skin color, I almost smile at the absurdity. But as this is not enough, she writes a long text on her blog to defend the idea of ​​a binational state.

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There are 57 Muslim countries in the world. A single democratic and Jewish state. That there could exist a Jewish state where 20% of the population is Israeli Arab, that the director of the Bank of Israel be an Israeli Arab, that deputies, doctors, engineers, nurses, traders, students are Israeli Arabs, this poses a serious problem for anti-Zionists-anti-Semites. I am not saying that everything is pacified, there remain serious problems arising from the tragically unresolved Palestinian question, but I am specifying that Israeli Arabs are more fulfilled and freer in Israel than any minority in any of the 57 Muslim-majority states. Mona Chollet stubbornly refuses to see that the messianic thugs Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, members of the Netanyahu government, have mobilized monster demonstrations against them. May Israel remain a democracy as long as its citizens are able to fight to preserve this beacon that is their country in the midst of obscurantist autocracies.

Oppressed people are the new opium of the left

The obtuse convictions born from a deadly ideology that is Islamism married to the worst of the left give birth to a blindness which condemns democracies to disappearance in the name of oppressed peoples. Oppressed peoples are the new opium of the left drunk with its successive failures. It is Mona Chollet’s readers who tear down the posters of Israeli victims of Hamas and the portraits of the hostages, women, children, old people, men. These are the readers who, without an ounce of reflection, in an inhuman gesture, deny the reality of a pogrom.

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Dominique Bernard should not have died murdered by an Islamist fed on the breasts of the Republic. Antoine Vitkine, in a Tribune published in Le Monde on October 27, 2021, entitled “The curse of Vichy and Eric Zemmour”, wrote: “This shame is fueled by the gap between these crimes and the universal message of France, the claimed homeland of human rights and of the Enlightenment. The paradox is that these ideals explain why France is the country in occupied Europe where the proportion of Jews deported was the lowest, so that three quarters of them survived, hidden , thanks to the active support of a few, and the refusal of most to condone the deportations. (…) When, a few years ago, I interviewed the Righteous and asked them what their motivations had been, several of them They replied, as if it were obvious: we had been taught, at school, that all men are equal.

The Islamized assassin of Dominique Bernard did not learn at school that men are equal, he only fueled his hatred of France, of the Republic, of Marianne, of secular schools. There has long been a strange atmosphere that prevents kids born elsewhere from loving their adopted countries. Because a band of leftists in need of wretched workers of the earth has decided to hate the country of Enlightenment and prefer Islamists who will eliminate them when the day of victory comes.

* Abnousse Shalmani is a writer and journalist committed against the obsession with identity


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