The amazing galactic cannibalism | Science and Technology News (Amazings® / NCYT®)

by time news

2023-10-31 10:09:03

The universe is a place of unfathomable mysteries, and one of the most fascinating is the phenomenon of galactic cannibalism. Throughout cosmic ages, galaxies have been engaged in a game of attraction and repulsion, resulting in a cosmic dance where some galaxies literally devour others.

Galactic Cannibalism: A Cosmic Banquet

Galactic cannibalism refers to the process by which a larger galaxy, known as a cannibal galaxy, absorbs or devours one or more smaller galaxies, often called satellite galaxies. This can occur through gravitational interactions over billions of years. Galaxies involved in this phenomenon often undergo significant transformations in their structure and stellar content.

The Devourers and their Victims

In this cosmic drama, giant elliptical galaxies are often the devourers, while spiral or dwarf galaxies are its most frequent victims. As a cannibal galaxy approaches a satellite galaxy, gravitational forces begin to distort the shape of both galaxies. This can result in a gradual merger, where the cannibal galaxy incorporates the victim, or a stellar tearing, where the satellite galaxy slowly disintegrates due to tidal forces.

(Foto: HST – ESA-Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey-DOE-FNAL-DECam-CTIO-NOIRLab-NSF-AURA)

The Evolution of the Universe and the Formation of Giant Galaxies

Galactic cannibalism plays a fundamental role in the evolution of galaxies and the formation of elliptical giants. As cannibal galaxies continue to absorb their prey, they accumulate mass and expand. This leads to the creation of the enormous elliptical galaxies we see in the universe today. Furthermore, the process of cannibalism can trigger the formation of new stars in cannibal galaxies and contribute to the richness of stellar content in the cosmos.

Galactic Cannibalism in the 21st Century

Today, astronomers can observe galactic cannibalism thanks to advances in telescopes and observing technology. The detection of satellite galaxies that are attracted and eventually devoured by cannibal galaxies gives us deeper insight into the evolution of galaxies and the dynamics of the universe.

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