Samantha Hudson, best Spanish artist at the MTV EMAs: “I am not the antichrist, I would be the best friend of any son or daughter”

by time news

2023-11-07 16:48:37

The singer, who began her musical career in Mallorca, admits that she “was very confident” of winning the MTV award at the European Music Awards in a category, best Spanish artist, in which Lola Índigo, Quevedo, Abraham Mateo and Alvaro de Luna

Are you still partying?

You catch me in my favorite restaurant in Madrid with my daughter Gema having lunch like two champions. With our favorite dishes but in total solitude. The head of communications, the best in this country, and the artist in question deserve a treat.

Have you been able to sleep?

I slept late. What a frenzy! But I was able to sleep, I am lucky to still maintain all the qualities of when I was a baby.

How does it feel to have a crown as coveted as MTV’s?

I trusted myself a lot. It was such a sweet victory… and above all, there are so many people angry that I won. Generating that reaction gives me so much satisfaction…

Have you always known that yours was the right path?

I also rely a lot on doubt. Respecting yourself also means allowing yourself a margin of error and understanding that you are not always going to achieve excellence, or that you can fail and have difficult times. You don’t have to judge yourself in a forceful way in those situations. Sometimes I wonder if I’m really as good as I think I am. But would it really be so terrible not to be as good as we think? Thanks to that reflection I always leave anxiety behind and continue walking the path, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always trusting in myself.

Samantha Hudson, the queen of the underground. Culture

He grew up watching MTV in Magaluf.

Yes, I woke up very early to go to school and I always watched the video clips that were on the network. That was my favorite time of the day, having breakfast with the most indie, the most underground.

“My favorite moment of the day was having breakfast with MTV videos, the most indie, the most underground”

Who were your first heroines?

For me, the reference person in music and especially in the concept of art has always been Lady Gaga.

If you weren’t Samantha Hudson and you had kids, would you let your kids date Samantha Hudson?

Obviously. Against all odds, I am a very family person and very fond of moms and dads. I get millions of messages telling me: “my father is a super fan of yours” or “my grandmother loves you.” I know that I have a very underworld image, for many people I am the antichrist, but nothing could be further from the truth. I would be the best friend of any son or daughter.

In his thank you speech he greeted his “minorities.” Who are they?

The dissidents, the neurodivergents, the racialized people who follow my work, the queer people… In general it is a fun, slightly ironic way of appealing to that public that still burns with desire to see a faithful representation of the diversity that there are on the street and in our daily lives. A cultural, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation diversity… Minorities that make up an indispensable part of my audience.

The award coincides with the publication of the new album, what sound defines ‘AOVE Black Label’.

It is a more evolved sound, much more professional, better realized in technical and practical matters, and above all it is a change in aesthetics. Now it’s much more electronic, much more raver, all machine music, club culture, parking… It’s my most raver time.

“My sound now is much more electronic, much more raver, all machine music, club culture, parkineo…”

Is your only addiction sound?

The sound, resting well, nourishing myself with food and exercising, because otherwise there is no one who can endure this frenetic pace.

Lola Índigo, Quevedo, Abraham Mateo and Álvaro de Luna, their rivals. Have you already been congratulated?

At the moment I have not received any news but I am convinced that they are surely as excited as I am.

The big winner of this edition has been Taylor Swift.

I really like Taylor Swift. She is one of the few artists who takes a public position on controversial and unpopular issues. He has gone against very powerful men in the industry, and I think it is wonderful that he has survived all the cancellation campaigns that he has endured over the years with the Kanye West controversy, that he has reissued his entire repertoire because he did not have the rights to the songs and that he is doing this very successful tour.

Samantha Hudson . Writing

Is there also a marketing army behind the Samantha phenomenon?

Absolutely. Unlike my opponents in these awards, I do not have an entire communications and press department. We are Gema and I, with the support of the record company, Subterfuge, which is still an independent music label. Hence my surprise. Comparing the resources of some, the number of followers they have, and me, who continues to be an ambassador of the underground in the mainstream, having won this is quite heavy.

Elvis’s pelvic movements are a joke compared to his contortionist exercises.

(Laughs). Although it may not seem like it, I put a lot of effort into concerts, music and continuing to evolve my proposal. I trust my songs a lot but above all I think I am a stage animal. Live is my natural terrain.

Is provocation a fundamental part of any art?

I believe that the fun of art comes from the provocation it provokes, but I also believe that you need to be very artistic to deal with controversy and controversy. Knowing how to navigate those swampy terrain and succeed on most occasions, I think that is my true talent.

“The ‘there is no fucking taxi’ thing is very Mallorca, but it is also very Madrid, very Barcelona… Although it may seem very specific, it is a universal feeling”

In one of his new songs, ‘Again’, he sings: “There is no taxi, there is no fucking taxi, in this city there is no fucking taxi.” Did she write it while in Mallorca?

The “there is no fucking taxi” thing is very Mallorca, but it is also very Madrid, very Barcelona… Although it may seem very specific, it is a universal feeling.

Mallorca does not appear on his tour dates.

Well, that is a problem that must be remedied sooner rather than later. I always want to return to the place where I grew up and sing to my people. I don’t blame Mallorca for anything, although it is true that it is difficult to be a prophet in your land. But I also believe that all those rough edges have already been ironed out and we have reconciled.

Why did you change Mallorca for Madrid, your current residence?

For more job alternatives, for that desire to take on the world in a big city.

The one who has returned to Mallorca is Valtònyc, for some a terrorist with a microphone.

I think the term terrorist is used a lot, and quite lightly.

«I could be a minister, instead I decided to dedicate myself to serving; looks, charisma and pussy clean », she intones in another of her songs. What ministry would she enter?

In the one about Sex and Rock’n’Roll.

His pissing on the Constitution has unleashed a wave of comments on social media. Does it reaffirm itself in its dripping?

I am not anti-constitutional. I think that many people who brag about the Constitution really are. I would also like the focus to be placed there.

Would you perform in a palace, let’s say in Zarzuela?

We should ask them if they would hire Samantha Hudson.

What if they proposed it?

I would accept, but depending on an email explaining what the event consists of and a good amount of zeros.

#Samantha #Hudson #Spanish #artist #MTV #EMAs #antichrist #friend #son #daughter

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