“Feed the knowledge”, the school project to teach the correct lifestyle

by time news

Pam Panorama today presented the “Nourish Knowledge” school project, developed thanks to the collaboration with the Salus Pueri Foundation and the Department of Women’s and Child Health of the University of Padua.

The aim of the project is to create awareness of the importance of early imprinting, that is, the direct connection between a correct lifestyle adopted by children and health as adults.

Teachers and families will be sensitized on the subject of childhood obesity, which in Italy records 22% of overweight children and 10% of obese, according to data from the Department of Women’s and Child Health of the University of Padua.

A problem too often underestimated even by families themselves: 40% of overweight children are perceived by the mother as normal-underweight, 70% of mothers of overweight children think that the amount of food their child eats is not excessive and moreover 50% of obese adolescents are likely to be so even at age adult.

The “Feed the Knowledge” project will provide valid training support for the promotion of food awareness and the dangers of unhealthy habits, such as the excessive sedentary lifestyle of children. Children will be directly involved in fun and educational activities, to ensure that they learn, by reading and playing, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and will be guided to share with their family, offering stimuli for the spontaneous generation of conversation on topics important for growth.

According to a study by the Department of Women’s and Child Health of the University of Padua, the concept of early imprinting is fundamental, i.e. the timely intervention of educating children to a correct lifestyle at an age in which, thanks to plasticity unique to the human brain in the early stages of growth, they can internalize correct habits that will make them healthy adults.

“Imprinting affects the spheres of sport and physical activity to be implemented already in elementary school, 75% of boys and 85% of girls do not follow the WHO guidelines of at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, and that of nutrition, in order to prevent the problem of obesity which in Italy affects 22% of children, by banning junk food and industrial products, in favor of the Mediterranean diet “says Eugenio Baraldi, Scientific Director of the Lifestyles Project – Department SDB of the University of Padua.

Furthermore, another problem that needs early intervention is screen time: 40% of teens spend more than 3 hours a day in front of TVs or electronic devices. A new phenomenon that implies a sedentary lifestyle (with an accentuation of the obesity problem), sleep deprivation and isolation from the real world.

“Feed the Knowledge” will involve nationally over 100,000 students from 500 schools in 38 provinces where Pam Panorama is present with its own points of sale and who will receive the “Nutri il Sapere kit”, consisting of didactic, educational and informative materials on two macro – me:

“The world of food and its secrets” which talks about fruit and vegetables, bread, milk and derivatives, fish, legumes, organic farming, with insights into the origin, cultivation / production methods, composition and anatomy of the products and nutritional characteristics;

“The good rules for growing up!” on proper nutrition, the importance and role of physical movement, the risks associated with screen time and cigarette smoking and food waste.

“Food is culture and schools, today more than ever, have updated and expanded their tools and initiatives for health education. Families, schools and local education agents can create that synergy in the message of food education and healthy habits that can thus be internalized by children, such as what should be a “normal” lifestyle “says Dr. Alda Baldan, Referent of Plesso, primary school Daniele Manin of Padua, the first school to have joined the project.

The Nourish Knowledge initiative focuses on adopting correct lifestyles in direct correlation with the health and balanced growth of children. Attention is also paid to how relevant is the knowledge of food, the production chain and the fresh product. The materials produced by Pam Panorama are proposed with a suitable and captivating language, which stimulates the natural curiosity of children and the playful spirit in learning.

The most virtuous schools that, after registering on the pampanorama.it section of the site dedicated to the project, will send photos of the experiments carried out in the classroom will have the opportunity to win prizes for their school. For families, on the other hand, there is a “Pills of knowledge” section, where they can find in-depth articles designed to improve the well-being of the whole family.

“Community and closeness are the words that accompany Pam in these really complex years. Being present in the area close to us, helping to build communities based on mutual support is our most important commitment to the territories in which we operate and beyond. From these premises the Nutri il Sapere path was born – says Gianpietro Corbari, CEO of Pam Panorama-The know-how of our brand in the food sector has allowed us a thorough knowledge of the subject, from the quality of the products to the choice of the best solutions for a balanced and correct nutrition. What has been done in this project makes us proud and pushes us to continue with even more enthusiasm on the path traced ”.

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