The Closest Known Earth-Sized Exoplanet in Our Solar System: LTT 1445 Ac’s Mass and Radius

by time news

Scientists have recently discovered LTT 1445 Ac, an exoplanet that is the closest known Earth-sized planet in our solar system. With 1.37 times the mass and 1.07 times the radius of Earth, this planet has caught the attention of astronomers and space enthusiasts alike.

The data on LTT 1445 Ac was obtained by cross-examining its transit data with its radial velocity. Transit data, the dimming of starlight as a planet passes its home star, is used to calculate the radius of an exoplanet. Radial velocity, on the other hand, measures the wobble of an exoplanet caused by its gravitational pull, and is used to calculate the exoplanet’s mass.

This groundbreaking discovery gives scientists and researchers valuable insight into the composition and characteristics of exoplanets, bringing us one step closer to understanding the vast universe beyond our solar system. As technology and research methods continue to improve, it is likely that even more Earth-sized exoplanets will be discovered, further expanding our knowledge of the cosmos.

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