Tired and gray country: It seems that a “wonderful country” needs a lot of rest

by time news

“A Wonderful Land”, Keshet 12

I watched “Wonderland” last week after a long break, and throughout the show not a single smile climbed on my face. Mostly I wanted it to end. I was bored of the characters: Kitsis, and this guy is worth an academic course, was the same scarecrow made of plywood as always.

Kitsis is a wonder. Many years ago he decided, contrary to the qualities shared by him sitting on high, that he was a funny man. Since then he has been sitting on the standard of the comedian / stand-up comedian without contributing anything to the maintenance of this degree and is still considered a comedian / stand-up comedian. Equally, by the way, could have claimed the title, it was said, the first man to set foot on Mars. But Kitsis, to his credit, is modest. He prefers to give up as if occupying space and remain in the realm of satire.

Bennett, Lieberman and Netanyahu are worn out, used and mostly just not interesting. So Bennett did not go to the orthodontist when he was young, and now his teeth are crooked. And the Liebermanic accent did not adapt to the Levant even after decades, and whoever angers him then will have an alas. And the dull texts of Bibi cannot be remembered a second after they have been uttered. And that’s it. This is where the weekly spring of ideas closes.

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Where is this tired yawn and where is the “rude” for example, who would, for example, slaughter Dan Meridor every week again until they eliminated his political career. And speaking of “the rude”, just a recommendation and warning: It will be difficult for you to return from there to the sucky Bibi and Lieberman of “Great Country”.

The one who breaks the loneliness a bit in the panel is the character of Amsalem. The screaming and rude clown invites imitation, and “Wonderland” jumps happily at the bargain. But Amsalem also starts to get bored after a few minutes. To the (real) Amsalem something happens that he did not plan. He fuels his rudeness and rage for political reasons, but as the months go by in opposition he increasingly believes in a character he himself has invented – a kind of brave tribal warrior that someone really rattles off with his screams and holds his stomach from his childish outburst jokes.

“Great country” they miss it. They could have caught the most noisy MK in the plenum and pushed him into some corner, but instead they choose the flat and easy solution and again send him screaming at the panel. A Wonderful Land “of a few years ago.

The world of “Great Land” people is the news editions between eight and nine and a quarter. From there they suck their ideas and there their universe ends. As long as their protagonist is some politician interviewed by Yonit yesterday, they sail in safe water for them. Journey straight to the eye of the storm, and the result is accordingly.

In the program I watched, the writers of the program tried to create a satire on the cost of housing. The result was tedious, did not elicit a single smile and expressed the cost of housing awkwardly. In another show I searched on the net, the people of “Great Land” tried to create a satire on startups and greed. The result was the same, and the fact that it was not shelved instead of being broadcast was puzzling.

By the way, while wandering along the road, I stopped to watch a humorous program on YouTube in which a number of kind old people uploaded not bad sketches at all. Some of the sketches may not have been exciting, but there were some that I laughed out loud at. The cover of the show was also a bit outdated, but with a little redesign it can give “Great Country” a year or two of rest that it definitely needs. The name of the seniors program by the way, when I inquired, was “This is it.”

• See or give up: Not to see. It would not hurt for a “wonderful country” to go out to rest.

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