Bin Laden”, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express

by time news

2023-11-25 08:30:00

Bin Laden is the new Che Guevara. Yes Yes. This is not a far-right delusion, or an epiphenomenon. I admit, dear reader, that it is surprising at first. But, ultimately, bin Laden’s rehabilitation makes sense in Wokistan. References to Bin Laden, first appearing on TikTok, then relayed, mostly by students, with tears in their eyes and “upset” majesty, exploded by more than 4,300% from November 14 to 16 on (formerly Twitter). To the point that the Guardian deleted the Letter to America (written by Bin Laden in November 2002 to justify September 11) from its site. A wave, an emotion… The junction of Islamism and Wokism is made.

My reference to Che is neither innocent nor the result of a mind game. Che at the UN podium on December 11, 1964, was the one who proudly hammered home: “We have shot, we are shooting and we will continue to shoot as long as necessary.” And he knew exactly what he was talking about, the handsome guy in the beret who had established a revolutionary tribunal in Cuba and sent enough opponents to their deaths to earn the nickname carnicerito, “little butcher”, but also created work camps which were so many recovery camps to bring back into line those who did not toe the line, including homosexuals. Che who denounced “the band of jackals and hyenas that Western civilization hides behind its sumptuous facade”, and accused the American government of “international terrorist” because of acute imperialism and colonialism. The “butcher of Tehran”, Ebrahim Raïssi, demanded, during the great rally of Arab-Muslim countries in Riyadh, that the Tsahal, the Israeli army, be qualified as a “terrorist organization”, then ended his speech with a “we kiss the hands of Hamas for its resistance to Israel” – just to remind us that to maintain power against the people, it was necessary to feed on massacres and blood.

It therefore seems logical that Western students in search of revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, in love with the bloodthirsty Che, have comfortably raised very well-fed children who have become students who applaud in a burst of delight the anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, conspiratorial discourse. and anti-Semite of Bin Laden.

Bin Laden’s Letter to America is a mix of Che and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (this anti-Semitic Russian fake which remains the best-selling book in the Arab-Muslim world after the Koran). In addition to blaming America for all the misfortunes of Muslim countries and justifying the attacks of September 11, 2001 with “attacks in Palestine”, Bin Laden puts the United States on trial for moral decadence. Homosexuality, drugs, gambling, free women, sexual license, AIDS (said to be a creation of the “Great Satan”) and even environmental disruption are the fruit of imperialism. Presenting Islam as the only way to fight the imperialists and the Jews who control everything, economy, media, politics, Bin Laden announces the color – green: “The first thing we want is Islam. is the religion of jihad so that the word of Allah reigns supreme”, which calls for the destruction of all opinions, ideas, religions which contradict Islam.

Wokistan only has to draw on what appears to it to be the mold of its reading grid of the world. But you will tell me that not at all! Wokistan supports sexual minorities! Nay: Wokistan above all supports the dominated, the world being divided between two strict categories, the dominant and the dominated; Muslims being stuck in oppression, their homophobia cannot be blamed on them.

Wokistan was moved to recognize itself in the words of Bin Laden, it discovered itself a master. The followers of Wokistan join Bin Laden in his binary, they praise him for his desire to prohibit, to censor everything that is not “pure”, they applaud his representation of liberated women who are only prey for white sexual predators who colonize their bodies with as little mercy and respect as when they colonize the oppressed world. To those who wondered how Western students could demand a Palestine from the river to the sea without understanding that this implied a Jewish genocide: they know it very well, they follow the precepts of Master Bin Laden.

* Abnousse Shalmani is a writer and journalist committed against the obsession with identity

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