Screens of new TVs can be… licked

by time news

The expression “for all tastes” in this case can be taken literally. Homei Miyashita, an employee of Japan’s Meiji University, invented an unusual TV.

On its screen it will be possible not only to see images, but also to feel their taste. To obtain such a “multi-sensory” sensation, the TV screen will be sprayed at the appropriate moments from a container of a certain taste built into the device, covering the screen with a film that can be… licked with the tongue. After the entire film is licked off, it is removed, and another can take its place.

“Our goal was to give people the opportunity to taste the food they supposedly eat at a restaurant on the other side of the planet, while staying at home,” explains the inventor. Miyashita, with the help of his team, has already assembled a prototype of the new TV. He believes that when launched into mass production, his “car” will cost customers no more than conventional TVs – about $ 875 apiece.

Miyashita emphasizes the “timeliness” of his brainchild in the age of “social distancing”. In the future, he believes, it will be possible to “taste” dishes from an online menu before ordering them, or even train chefs or bartenders from a distance.

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