Named the rules for taking cholesterol-burning MCT oil

by time news

Such a novelty in nutrition and healthy lifestyle as MCT oil is gaining more and more popularity among those who seek to lose weight and protect themselves from the risk of developing diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, nutritionists urge to approach the issue of using the “miracle oil” reasonably and not to go to extremes.

“MCTs are medium-chain triglycerides found in a number of products, such as coconut oil. Actually, this new trendy dietary supplement is made from it.

The advantage of medium chain triglycerides is that their metabolism is different from that of long chain triglycerides found in most foods. Usually in the human body there are long-chain fatty acids (from 13 to 21 carbon atoms), and there are also short-chain fatty acids (up to 6 atoms). Medium chain acids have a carbon chain of 6-12 atoms, and since it is smaller than conventional molecules, MCTs break down faster and are more easily absorbed by the body. As a result, MCT goes directly to the liver and spreads throughout the body, and is not deposited in adipose tissue – that is, the body receives the required beneficial substances while minimizing negative consequences.

MCT oil, when taken regularly, is believed to increase brain activity, writes Harper’s Bazaar. Nutritionists also recommend it to reduce the production of “bad” cholesterol – and this is the prevention of vascular and heart diseases. At the same time, MCT molecules increase the level of “useful” cholesterol, and they work especially effectively in combination with linseed oil, the publication indicates.

According to nutritionists, the fatty acids in the base of MCTs have antibacterial and antifungal properties, as they support the microbiome. And according to some studies, regular intake of MCTs almost halves the risk of developing bacterial infections. And because of its ability to control blood sugar levels, MCTs are a way to prevent diabetes and a number of hormonal diseases, Bazaa’r concludes.

At the same time, citing experts, the publication emphasizes that, as in all other health-related cases, it is important to approach the intake of a product wisely. As for MCT oil, the recommended daily intake is 2 tablespoons per day. A significant excess of the dosage can stimulate the accumulation of fat in the liver and the development of liver failure.

See also: “The doctor called the usual breakfast with” double cholesterol “

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