Bildu does not rule out that Arnaldo Otegi is its candidate for lehendakari

by time news

2023-11-25 11:13:19

The spokesperson for EH Bildu in Congress, Mertxe Aizpurua, has stated that the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, would be “a perfect” candidate for lehendakari, but has pointed out that there are other people within the political organization who can also do so. be. In any case, she has said that the candidate will be known “soon” because the process begins in December “without any problem.” Along these lines, she has said that “whether she is a woman or not” is not so important because EH Bildu “is an eminently feminist organization, the men who make it up are also feminists, it has a feminist program, which is articulated transversally throughout the political formation “.

“But that does not disqualify men from being candidates. It is true that women are the majority at this time in the most visible spokespersons, but that does not disqualify anyone,” she concluded in an interview with Radio 5.

And regarding the future Basque elections, Aizpurua has indicated that the agenda of his formation “differs greatly from that of the PNV”, but has specified that they are not in Madrid “to confront or compete with the PNV, but to achieve improvements for the Basque citizenship and, therefore, for the citizenship of the Spanish State, for the popular classes”.

“Our strategy has been endorsed at the polls by the Basque citizens, and in fact, has made us the majority Basque group in Madrid. We are going to continue along this line that has borne fruit for us, that we believe is effective, that is positive, and without looking in the rearview mirror at what other political forces are doing,” he stated.

In his opinion, the confrontation of models that PNV and EH Bildu have will occur in the Basque elections, in which both formations will “compete.” “We are not going to confront or compete with the PNV in Madrid, we are going to get good agreements,” he stated.

Negotiations with Sánchez

The spokesperson for EH Bildu in Congress has also made reference to the future negotiation of the General State Budgets. Thus, she has indicated that her party sees itself as having “free hands” to negotiate, having not placed any conditions on the support of Pedro Sánchez in his inauguration, and has warned that the duration of the legislature could depend on attention to their demands. .

In statements to RNE’s ‘Parliament’, Aizpurua has acknowledged that for “some weeks” he has already been talking with the Government on budgetary matters, although he believes that it is still “too early” to offer data or progress on the negotiations.

The Abertzale deputy trusts that Bildu’s imprint will be felt in the Budgets and her training will do “everything possible” so that the public accounts are the reflection of social and territorial measures with “ambition and courage.” And regarding the transfer of Social Security powers to the Basque Country, Aizpura has been categorical in ensuring that it is a signed pact and is also within the autonomy statute of the Basque Country. “It would be complying with what the Constitution says,” she concluded.


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