“If it’s funny, laugh, and if it’s not funny… laugh anyway!” »

by time news

2023-11-25 19:00:02
On the set of the show “Questions pour un champion”, in 2003. JOHANN ROUSSELOT/SIGNATURES

The security guard’s hands move up our leg, the palpation is firm and rigorous. “What’s that in your pocket?” A pencil ? You don’t need it, go back and drop it off in the locker room. » We obey, for fear of being noticed. As we make our way in the opposite direction in the queue, another security guard harangues the crowd: “We notice that someone is trying to get in with their phone… I remind you that anything cell phone, camera, keys or metal object must remain in the locker room. I’m coming back to clothing: coats, scarves, caps, they don’t fit! Medications are yes, Labello is no. »

Three women exchange knowing glances while laughing: “No one had ever done that to us! » Natalina Silva, Célia De Oliveira and Maria Jaffrezic know the song: with more than fifty filmings under their belt, the three friends from Val-de-Marne are used to hearing these instructions. They are always the same ones addressed to the anonymous people who populate the background of television programs recorded in public. Games, talk shows, talent shows, charity concerts… Every day, television needs hundreds of volunteers like them to give a little warmth to these programs, to make people hear applause, laughter, “Oooh!” », “Aaah!” “. It’s a real industry behind the industry, with its regulars, its venue drivers and its numerous event agencies who organize and welcome the public.

This October afternoon, on one of the many sets housed in huge hangars on the borders of Paris, “Friday everything is permitted” is being broadcast, a show where Arthur imposes comical tests on half a -dozen semi-stars, sometimes involving spectators. “VTEP”, as those in the know call it, is broadcast sparsely all year round on TF1 but recorded in condensed form, with around fifteen episodes in ten days. When you finally set foot on the set, after passing through poorly lit corridors while avoiding tripping over the cables that snake across the floor, there is suddenly excitement. Blue, pink, yellow neon lights, spots that cast a dazzling light, technicians who come and go, slaloming between the theater driver who leads the audience to applaud and the ushers who organize the stands, more or less amiably – “Stand a little to your right. The right, I said! » A woman emerges from backstage, headset on her head. She is a little out of breath and, in a slightly annoyed voice, calls out to the audience: “We’re still looking for an elderly person without tattoos who doesn’t know how to dance. Always not ? » Behind me, a mocking gentleman points to his wife, who immediately cowers – “Oh no, don’t mess around, Didier! »

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