smartphone corona test: Corona test by cell phone … US scientists astounded! – American scientists found new corona test method which done through smartphone

by time news


  • Corona examination by cellphone
  • Discovery by American scientists
  • This experiment is expected to come into effect soon

Cell phones, which were once used only for talking, have been used in a variety of ways ever since they were transformed into smartphones, from photography and video capture to online classes.

Cell phones, which have become an indispensable essential device in everyday life, are now being used for another important purpose.

This means that cell phones will soon be available for testing for the corona virus that is threatening the entire world today. U.S. scientists have found a way to do this.

This test, called the Harmony Corona test, detects the genetic makeup of the SARS Cove-2 virus.

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At low cost, this high-performance test can be implemented both domestically and abroad. The smartphone is used to operate the detector and know the result.

The usable detector is capable of testing 4 models simultaneously. As well as this Harmony Corona test method, 3 different dimensions of the virus gene can be detected. Research is underway to adapt the experiment to home use, ‘said a professor at the University of Washington.

Ready for the next epidemic?

If this test method is implemented, it will be possible to diagnose whether a person has a corona infection at home or not, just as people with diabetes can now diagnose their blood sugar level at home with the appropriate device.

Scientists are proud to say that this will save up to Rs 1,000 on a single corona test.

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