A round table on the environment to salute the (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-12-22 00:42:33

A round table on the environment to welcome Oligui Nguema’s speeches in Dubai and Mouila

December 21, 2023

The problem of the human-wildlife conflict torments the minds of the Gabonese people. Several of them lost a member of their family, saw their fields devastated and no longer knew which Saint to devote themselves to. The speeches of the President of the Transition, Gabonese Head of State, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema at Cop 28 and most recently in Mouila gave hope to these people who lived in stress, the threat of pachyderms and many others wild animals. The problem of the human-wildlife conflict was the subject of a round table on the environment, initiated by Nicaise Moulombi, President of the Network of Civil Society Organizations for the Green Economy in Central Africa (ROSCEVAC) with the support of the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (Cenarest), in the presence of its Commissioner General, Professor Alfred Ngomanda.

In Gabon, Human-Wildlife Conflicts (HWC) are recurrent in rural areas. In his speeches, both in Dubai, during COP 28, and in Mouila during his Republican tour, the President of the Transition Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema surprised more than one to the satisfaction of the Gabonese populations and many others . ” We must kill the pachyderms which are ravaging the plantations which constitute your main source of income and subsistence.“. A sigh of relief for them who no longer know where to turn.

The two speeches of the Gabonese Head of State allowed the Network of Civil Society Organizations for the Green Economy in Central Africa (ROSCEVAC) to reflect on: “What impacts of the speech of the President of the Transition, President of the Republic, Head of State Brigadier General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, at Cop 28 and the declaration of Ngounié on the problem of Human-Wildlife conflicts (CHF) “.

This theme sparked heated interventions, rich in discussions. Human-wildlife conflict has caused great harm to many families in rural areas.”The damage caused by large herbivores (elephants and buffaloes) and primates (chimpanzees, gorillas) to crops goes so far as to compromise the livelihoods of entire families who already live in a precarious food situation. In addition to crop damage, there are cases of loss of life or serious bodily harm following attacks by wild animals on people.” supports Nicaise Moulombi, Vice-President of the EESC, who at the start of her speech observed a minute of silence for the families who lost a loved one in this conflict.

The President of Croissance Santé Environnement, Nicaise Moulombi indicated that the Round Table organized to reflect on and find solutions to the Human-Wildlife conflict aims to:

• To conduct a reflection on the main issues of policies for preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services in Gabon with a view to updating current public policy linked to the human-wildlife conflict and the development of national parks.

• To avoid poaching and the circulation of weapons.

• To carry out a reflection which takes into account the implementation of appropriate measures, referring for example to eco-conditionality, payments for environmental services, compensation mechanisms, environmental leasing, rights markets, access to genetic resources and sharing with communities the benefits arising from their use.


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