Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: symptoms and practical advice

by time news

Autoimmune inflammatory diseases: tips and apps for their management

A dysregulation of the immune system and social and emotional implications for those affected: these are two of the main aspects of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.

Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, abbreviated to IMID, strike over 2 million Italians and are characterized by dysregulation of the normal immune response, leading to chronic inflammation. Among the causes of their development we also find genetic or environmental factors. These diseases can also affect the pediatric age and tend to have numerous characteristics in common.

IMIDs include psoriasis, l’rheumatoid arthritis e psoriatic, the ankylosing spondylitis, l’idrosadenite suppurativa and inflammatory bowel diseases, which include Crohn’s disease and the Ulcerative colitis. The common denominator that binds all these pathologies is the dysregulation of the normal immune response which leads to the development of a chronic inflammatory state to damage of organs and / or systems and their ability to be potentially disabling. In order to recognize them, in any case, it is a discussion with your doctor is essential.

Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, how to manage them?

Some of these diseases, such as psoriasis, occur in an almost equivalent manner in both sexes, while others, such as rheumatoid arthritis, are more common in the female population. In any case, if not treated correctly, it is now known how it significantly impacts on the quality of life and on the socio-emotional sphere of patients: starting from the relationship with other people, to the productivity of work and to the simple management of oneself. in daily life.

Over the years, a greater knowledge of these pathologies has certainly made it possible to improve the treatments available that allow the control of the disease. Despite this, there are still unmet needs of patients with these diseases. And, in order to manage the disease in the best way, many search the web for the most common symptoms to learn possible indications, often encountering unreliable sources.

There are many, including patients and caregivers, who need advice on daily management of the disease to improve your lifestyle. There seems to be a growing desire to learn more about it, also through the exchange of practical aids to tackle the pathology at 360 °: starting from nutrition, but also in physical activity and, in general in social life, from the school sphere to the context working. To do this, aapp for chronic inflammatory diseases.

Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: the most common symptoms

As for the plaque psoriasis, this typically occurs with reddish and rounded patches that over time can merge and become covered with silvery-white scales, which can affect various points of the skin, including, in most cases at the level of the elbows and knees, in the external ear canal or in the scalp.

L’rheumatoid arthritis it is characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints and can lead to joint deformity due to cartilage damage and bone erosion. Usually multiple joints are involved (polyarthritis) symmetrically and symptoms such as fever and skin irritation may occur. The predominant symptom is pain, exacerbated by movement. Another feature is joint stiffness, typical of awakening. L’psoriatic arthritisinstead, it is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints associated with skin psoriasis or a family history of psoriasis. The most affected areas are hands, ankles and knees, which become hot, swollen and painful, associated with prolonged morning stiffness. In some cases, you may also have eye problems, which become red and itchy

Continuing, the ankylosing spondylitis typically occurs with pain localized to the sacral region and buttocks, with possible extension towards the posterior region of the knee. Pain and stiffness do not improve with sleep at night, instead, they get worse with rest and inactivity and improve with movement

We then have theidrosadenite suppurativa, also known as Acne Inversa, is a chronic disease that affects hair follicles and glands. It occurs mainly in the axillary and inguinal folds. It is characterized by painful nodules, abscess formation that sometimes lead to fistulas and heal. On the other hand, with regard to chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, the main symptoms are constituted by protracted diarrheal discharges, abdominal pain, anemia, slowing of growth and possible weight loss.

In the case of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, the constant monitoring of symptoms that manifest themselves over time, in order to manage the disease in the best possible way. Help in managing your pathology can also come from a correct and healthy diet and, where possible, from targeted physical exercises to stay active and feel good about yourself.

In any case, it is essential to always consult your doctor before undertaking any change in physical activity or diet.

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