Answer, Excellency, Colonel Mamadi Giraffe!

by time news

2024-01-02 15:30:37

Excellency Mr. President of the Transition, I request from your august kindness, a small service. I know there are people around you asking for solutions to small, nothing problems. I would like, Excellency, to talk to you about everything and nothing. What Guineans, especially ordinary citizens, expected from you for the new year. They wanted to take a new step to hinder you or to help you. Beyond the traditional wish for a happy new year, they wanted to hear you talk about solutions to the problems that beset them. However, they are aware that, for a guy from La Grande Muette, speaking can be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. But try it anyway! Your image is at stake. Because there is too much speculation around your management of power, around respecting your commitments.


You know, venerated light of the enlightened, dear President of the Transition, on the occasion of your oath on October 2, 2021, you said to the Guineans, right in your boots: “ It is in the desire to ward off a major political crisis which has seriously shaken national cohesion and torn the social fabric, that the Defense and Security Forces have taken the reins of the country. “. Kick the donkey to a certain Alpha Climber, who wanted one mandate too many. Do you remember ? Today, where are you in this mission, dear disarmed supreme leader uh… of the armies? Colonel, forgive my slippery tongue.

Sir, that day too, you reiterated your commitment: neither you nor any member of the National Committee of the Rally for Development and the bodies of the Transition will be a candidate in the upcoming elections “. It is the beginning of 2024. Dear colonel who I want to see true to his word as a man in uniform of the Guinea-hate army, in what month of 2024 will these elections be held? When will the new Constitution be drafted? I know that lots of people around you will ask you anything. Remember, you promised to return the chair to your elected successor following free, transparent, credible, inclusive and universally accepted elections before January 2025. This is why, without being ungrateful for your actions oh so much lifesaving issues linked to the construction of road infrastructure across Guinea, Guineans remember or rather remind you of many of your commitments to restore power to civilians. You remember, from October 16 to 21, 2022, Dr Abdel Fatau Musah, ECOWAS political affairs, peace and security clerk, led a technical mission of the organization to Cona-cris. “ At the end of the work, in a dynamic compromise, experts from ECOWAS and experts from Guinea jointly developed a consolidated timetable for the transition spread over 24 months covering the ten points » of the chronogram brandished by Mory Con(.)dé, your minister of sidewalk administration. Citizens wanted to know what is the level of execution of the 24-month timetable “ accepted by agreement parties “. Both the ECOWAS mediator in Guinea, Yayi Boni, has disappeared from the radar.

Dear Prési, from Colonel Mamadi Girafe, I am ashamed to even ask you to speak to the Guineans about your agenda, as I know that you love them, as I know that you are not planning to stay forever at the Mohammed V Palace.

Return of demons from the past?

But venerated guide of the honored, dear President of the transition, why since the dismissal of Mamadou le Péthè Diallo from the Department of our sick health, social networks have been blocked in Guinea? Is this a coincidence? Why did we close the Big mouths et Should we remake the world sitting on a Mirador with marble stakes? Can’t we let Djoma Media faire Evasion In l’TV area, through any Channel? No more no less. I wonder, because your Minister of Telecoms has complicated everything in our communications. Ousmane is so Gawa that he ignores the importance of the internet, the telecoms he manages say no to Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and everything in between. Why are freedoms and media critical of your transitional power being stifled? Doesn’t Ousmane Gawa Diallo know that the restriction of social networks deprives your fans from the countryside of seeing their beloved Presi? They wonder why we make it difficult for them to waste their money on the Internet or to watch TV on any channel. Clearly, Guineans suffer from sucking the internet from telephones Orange Yellow-Red from the countryside? Can you, dear President, shorten this suffering for them which has lasted too long?

You know, great figure of the country’s donors, some of your compatriots are convinced that we are hiding something rotten from them. Otherwise, why so many problems with our Telecoms, with our freedoms? Isn’t this the return of the old demons? Your valiant government has become this great predator of citizen rights and freedoms before the Eternal as under Alpha Grimpeur.

Revered light of the enlightened, dear Mamadi Doum-bouillant, on December 21, night owls said they saw with their own eyes, many very fat oxen immolated in the roundabouts of Cona-cris poorly off. Is it to ward off evil (what evil?) or to allow people to celebrate like the victims of the Kaloum disaster, after the explosion of the main fuel depot? Ah, bitter, ah jealous! Your compatriots are wondering if you want to follow in the footsteps of your predecessors Conté and Condé, to continue tipping forever?

And then, it’s not all good, Presi. On Friday, December 22, the intersections of the town of Kaloum were flooded with frozen water in bags. Witnesses saw this with their own eyes. Was it to extinguish the blaze at the burning fuel depot or to quench the thirst of our valiant firefighters or even to appease hearts, cool the hotheads who intend to oppose any inclination of a Presidency of tipping forever in Guinea?

Besides, Excellency Mr. President, were the victims of Kaloum served in abundance with this frozen water? Tell us, Colonel, is it curious that this fire occurs at a time when warehouses are under construction in Kodiaran and Moribaya? The spokesperson for your government team told Rfi that “ unfortunately, the accident comes at a time when the other warehouses are not completed “. Woïka! I am sure that the investigations will give in the smallest details the causes of this disastrous fire.

Good year !

Dear Prési Mamadi Giraffe, great friend of Guineans, will Guinea, bloodless with its sliding franc, live in harmony or will it experience a very difficult economic situation following the explosion of the fuel depot? A crisis that comes at a bad time. Because there, in Yemen, the Houthi rebels are cutting off the maritime route from the Red Sea to the boats which until then passed through the Suez Canal (Egypt) to transport goods to Europe and North Africa and Africa. ‘West, in particular. These tankers are forced to pass through the Cape of Good Hope to now transport goods from Asia to Africa, Europe and the Americas. Which will drive up prices. Guinea and its poor people will fall further into trouble. This is not to be seen as a bird of ill omen. That’s what the alarmist economists say. You know here, we like imported things too much.

You see, dear revered light of the enlightened, dear Mamadi Doum-bouillant, the year 2024 risks being complicated. This is why I advise you to talk to Guineans in cash about the expiration date of the transition in 2024.

Please accept, my colonel, dear great guide of the honored, the expression of my deep concern regarding your management in 2024. Good luck all the same!

Mamadou Siré Diallo

#Answer #Excellency #Colonel #Mamadi #Giraffe

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