Ecuador: The great staging of the State of Exception

by time news

2024-01-11 14:55:52

We publish this article from the Crisis Magazine. It is a digital magazine, which was born with the objective of presenting a new leftist reference in Ecuador. With this publication we establish a collaboration between the two media, through the exchange of articles.

The brand new government of Daniel Noboa – Ecuador’s largest banana businessman – recreates the narratives of the Narco-state to legitimize a regime of social militarization. On January 8, 2024, after the escape of alias Fito became known, six penitentiary centers nationwide rioted, including the Penitenciaria del Litoral, Turi, El Inca, Latacunga, Ambato and Machala. The much acclaimed and long-awaited Fénix Plan, one of the proposals that catapulted Noboa to the presidency due to its “innovative” heavy-handed logic, continues to be a state secret, or rather, a staging inspired by the Zionist authoritarianism of Nayib Bukele.

Government by decree and state of exception seems to have become fashionable in Latin America. Milei proposes an executive and legislative power concentrated in his person, while Bukele imposes an apparent social stability, based on the seclusion and siege of the working class. Currently, El Salvador is the country with the largest prison population in the world in proportion to its population. During the two disastrous years of the banker president, Guillermo Lasso decreed a state of emergency a total of 11 times.

One of the best and most pompous scripts was put on stage at the moment when the Ecuadorian State agreed to ignore the whereabouts of alias Fito. What followed this unfortunate event was a series of almost simultaneous riots in the country’s most important prisons, which included dozens of prison guards held. The situation in the country’s prisons manages to generate the appropriate image to heighten the feeling of insecurity and fear that already afflicts a large part of civil society. This material and psychological state of people has the potential to facilitate an unabashed justification of the figure of a state of exception and a permanent militarization of the world of life.

The next popular consultation to take place in the coming months, proposes a massive strengthening of competition for the Armed Forces. and National Police, creating a framework of impunity that would facilitate State terrorism. On the one hand, the Executive proposes the permanent presence of military forces in public spaces, in addition to its redirection from a logic of national defense towards internal social control. The many experiments undertaken on our continent in this field -Videla, Pinochet, Stroessner, Rios-Montt, Batista and Fujimori, to name just a few- dshow that state authoritarianism ends in state terrorism, implemented by the radicalized ultra-right that aims at social cleansing.

The state of fear is perfect for creating a consensus marked by conservative regression. It is increasingly common to hear comments of nostalgia for the flying squadrons of the SIC-10. In response, another important portion of society begins to do an increasingly conscientious criticism of the legitimacy of the State itself. A growing polarization is becoming more evident, while The class struggle intensifies. The State, for its part, relies on the state of exception and its new regulations, which empower it to suppress – more openly – rights. That is, the state of exception responds to a moment of crisis of hegemony, and therefore, it must be reconstructed through the use of force.

For this new form of capitalist State, It is essential to reform the Law to more effectively regulate social life. On this same day, the second part of the questions of the popular consultation was published, which openly proposes impunity for law enforcement agents, in a free exercise of the repressive apparatus. The Law – the laws – is the structure that interweaves exploitation, oppression and repression, as mechanisms of submission against the global working class. The popular consultation proposed by the banana government, if victorious It could take the country to a new moment in the development of peripheral capitalism, which cannot at all alienate itself from the global authoritarian political context.

The narrative that generates a common thread between Ecuador and the abuse of sporadic states of exception, the permanent state of exception of El Salvador and the fascist State of Israel, is that All of these are forms of capitalist states. An example is that simultaneously, the Banana Republic intends to consult a labor reform with hourly work in Free Zones that, as special economic zones, nourish the system of super-exploitation of the maquila, with zero rights or labor stability.

On the 36th anniversary of the disappearance of the Restrepo brothers with impunity -executed by the anti-communist SIC-10 platoon, founded by the Zionist Ran Hazit, a close friend of León Febres Cordero-, Total impunity is promised for repressive forces, including extrajudicial executions, with general amnesties in special courts with benefits. Noboa increases the existing Zionist interference in civil and military institutions, with mega-prisons/panopticons, and importation of tactics and weapons “tested” in the field: precisely in Palestine, against Palestinians.

It is essential to understand that organized crime is linked to the ruling class, They share common interests, and therefore collaborate with each other. On the contrary, The working class suffers the exacerbated consequences of this criminal alliance. No state of exception or modification in the Law has the intention of improving the material conditions of the people, quite the contrary, They seek to generate a situation that facilitates their exploitation and subjugation.

Resistance to discourses that divide workers, that make their ability to organize impossible and that normalize the militarization of public spaces and the dehumanization of the poor and those who struggle is prevailing. Once again, the unity of the working class and all popular sectors is necessary to resist a new neoliberal onslaught and its new forms of subjection. Only organization is the way.

Taken from published on 01/09/24

#Ecuador #great #staging #State #Exception

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