Renfe, the most responsible company in the passenger transport sector

by time news

2024-01-31 22:00:00

It occupies 42nd place in the general ranking of the one hundred most responsible Spanish companies

The 2023 Merco ESG Responsibility report, prepared by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor, places Renfe in first place on the list of the most responsible companies in passenger transport. On a general scale, in addition, it occupies 42nd place in the general classification of the hundred most responsible companies.


Renfe has once again been ranked number one on the list of the most responsible companies in the passenger transport sector. This rating is included in the latest Merco ESG Responsibility report corresponding to the year 2023. On a general scale, it occupies position 42 in the ranking of the one hundred most responsible companies.

To prepare this study, Merco has carried out 53,587 surveys, in which twenty-five sources of information and seven perspectives have been taken as reference. In addition, 1,153 directors of large companies, 77 CSR experts, 89 journalists, 89 financial analysts, 88 government members, 89 social media managers, 106 NGO managers, 85 members of unions, 79 trade associations, consumers, 400 SME managers and 8,001 citizens.

The Merco report is a tool that evaluates the reputation of the one hundred companies best valued for their responsibility. In addition to the general and sectoral ones, three other lists on the environment have been prepared; internal scope, clients and society; and at the ethical and governance level.


Regarding the internal sphere, clients and society, Renfe occupies position thirty in the general ranking of the hundred most responsible companies in Spain. In this area, initiatives such as the ‘Renfe Punctuality Commitment’ stand out, a differential factor that makes the Spanish company the operator with the most beneficial compensation system for its customers. The operator refunds the full amount of the AVE ticket for delays of more than thirty minutes, and 50 percent when it is more than fifteen minutes.

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