Vaccinations are important at all stages of life. The “European Immunization Week” initiative was launched with the slogan “Sustainability for all”. – 2024-02-14 18:50:01

by times news cr

2024-02-14 18:50:01

Every year since 2004, the “European Immunization Week” initiative has been implemented, the aim of which is to raise public awareness about immunization and protect the population from infectious diseases through vaccinations.

Armenia has joined this initiative since 2007.

This year it started on April 25 and will continue until April 30. The motto of the 2022 “European Immunization Week” initiative is “Sustainability for all”.

Head of the Department of Epidemiology of Immunization and Controlled Infectious Diseases of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the RA Ministry of Health Svetlana Grigoryan according to him, the aim of the initiative is to once again inform the population about the importance of vaccinations.

“Vaccinations are important at all stages of life and contribute to a given person’s well-being and longevity,” he said in a conversation with

All over the world, due to the co-epidemic of the coronavirus disease, a disruption of the immunosuppression process, a decrease in indicators was observed, however, such trends were not registered in Armenia.

“Large-scale measures have been implemented so that the vaccination process does not stop at any moment due to covid. awareness measures were carried out, the risks of the spread of infection in terms of covid were assessed in each polyclinic, it was suggested to set separate days for vaccinations so that the person being vaccinated is sure that he is coming to be vaccinated and will not get sick with covid, separate entrances were provided and these measures contributed to the process of immunoprevention won’t suffer,” says Grigoryan.

In 2021, compared to 2020, Armenia had a certain improvement in indicators. The index of full enrollment of 1-year-old children increased to 91 percent.

“Another event contributed to this. Since 2020, the hexavalent vaccination with a non-cellular component of pertussis has been introduced, which is in high demand by the population, because it is milder in terms of the expectation of post-vaccination phenomena, and there is less fever after vaccination, and less pain at the injection site is recorded, RA emphasizes. Head of the Department of Epidemiology of Immunization and Controlled Infectious Diseases of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health.

Vaccination is in equal demand among the population in Armenia, it’s just that, for example, men are more involved in the workplace against the coronavirus, that’s why they are vaccinated more, but, according to the specialist, it is an indicator of the general demand that has no epidemiological significance.

People in the risk group are the target for vaccination against seasonal flu and vaccination against coronavirus.

Is the background of interest in vaccinations in Armenia satisfactory to the Ministry? Svetlana Grigoryan said that in any case there is room to improve the indicators.

“Here it is necessary to look not from the point of view of indicators, but high vaccination rates contribute to having a favorable stable epidemic situation in the country in terms of controllable infectious diseases, that is, diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations, and we have achieved this goal, because since 1995 there have been no cases of poliomyelitis in Armenia , since 2007 there have been no local cases of measles, rubella, since 2000 we have had no cases of diphtheria and this is thanks to vaccinations. As there is a disease, as many causative agents circulate in nature, vaccinations should be carried out so that the population is protected and we do not have a recurrence of diseases”, says the head of the Department of Epidemiology of Immunization and Controlled Infectious Diseases of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the RA Ministry of Health.

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