Implementation of the decisions of the 2nd summit and the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum – 2024-02-15 15:57:53

by times news cr

2024-02-15 15:57:53

On February 8, the Russia – Africa Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University held an international conference on the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and African countries. The event took place at the Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov University.

The conference was organized as part of the implementation of the decisions of the Second Russia – Africa Economic and Humanitarian Summit and Forum, which was held on July 27-28, 2023 in St. Petersburg. The event was supported by the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The conference brought together more than 100 participants, representatives of 30 countries from the African continent and Russia. Participants included Russian and African diplomats, official and public figures, leaders of African diasporas, activists of non-governmental and youth organizations, Africanists, representatives of the film industry, media, sports, of culture and education.

The conference was opened by Ilya Ilyine, dean of the Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov University, president of the Russian committee of UNESCO within the framework of the program for Management of Social Transformations (MOST), first vice-president of the Russia – Africa Club of the University of Moscow State Lomonosov. He congratulated the participants on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and conveyed the academician’s greetings Victor Sadovnichy, president of the Russia – Africa Club, rector of Lomonosov University. M. Ilyine highlighted the work of the Club which has already borne fruit and expressed confidence that the present conference would provide practical proposals which will be addressed to the Secretariat of the Russia – Africa Partnership Forum. The dean set the tone of the conference and was the first to formulate a concrete proposal aimed at the creation of an International Movement of University Ambassadors (MIAU). According to him, the creation of MIAU would be particularly relevant on the eve of the next World Youth Festival, which will be held in the city of Sochi in March this year.

In his welcome address, Oleg Ozerovchairman of the board of the Russia – Africa Club of Lomonosov University, roving ambassador of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and director of the secretariat of the Russia – Africa Partnership Forum, said in particular: “In recent years, African countries have demonstrated growing interest in learning Russian and, subsequently, in specialized, technical and higher education in Russian civilian and military universities.”

Tatyana Dovgalenko, Executive Secretary of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, greeted the conference participants. She thanked the Russia – Africa Club of Lomonosov University for its cooperation efforts with African countries and discussed the main UNESCO projects aimed at African countries.

His Royal Highness Zolani Mkiwa, Member of the Parliament of South Africa, famous African poet, painter and cultural activist, highlighted the particular importance of the conference theme. He recalled the historical ties of friendship between Russia and African countries and stressed the need to build people-to-people relations on the basis of cultural programs.

Speaking on the topic of Russian-African cooperation in the fields of science and education, Professor Paul Chisale, Acting Vice-Chancellor of the Copperbelt University in Zambia, noted that Russia is a country with enormous technological, scientific and educational potential. Africa has a lot to learn from cooperation with Russia. These are joint scientific projects and academic exchanges between teachers and students.

Rachel Shame on you, Director of Public Relations of the Office of Presidential and National Fellowships of the President and Cabinet of Ministers of Zimbabwe, expressed hope that Russia and Africa forge the future together. The expert noted that the strengths of our countries are complementary. As an example, she cited the field of research, where the great Russian scientific school could call on young researchers who come from the African continent.

Experts in the field of military training in Russia – Andrey Chagovhead of the department of the Research Institute of Military History, doctor of historical sciences, lecturer, and Alexey Kuznetsovcorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of missiles and artillery, head of the department of the Research Institute of Military History, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Russia – spoke about the importance of training soldiers who come from the African continent.

The conference participants also addressed the issue of practical activities in the field of preservation, restoration and protection of cultural heritage in Russia and African countries. Sergueï Ouzyanov, expert of the Russian Council for the Security of Cultural Heritage of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), estimated that during conflicts and cataclysms, thefts and illegal trafficking of cultural property increase. The most valuable objects of national heritage are sold at auction on the Internet. The speaker spoke about the unique technology of marking cultural property under enhanced protection with a distinctive sign, developed by the 18th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Daria Vanyukovaassociate researcher at the State Museum of Oriental Art, and Galli Monastyreva, advisor on humanitarian issues of the Association for Economic Cooperation with African Countries, spoke about the experience of implementing museum, cultural and educational projects in Africa, using the example of Mali. The speakers called for the expansion of the geography of humanitarian cooperation in Africa and the dissemination of educational projects in all countries on the continent.

Mahamat Issakha Sogarpan-Africanist, online media sports analyst, president of the Chadian Mini-Football Federation, vice-president of the Central Africa section of the African Sports Organization, as well as Kamdem Motcheyo Teddysecretary general of the Cameroonian Students Association, and Mohamed Selimgeneral director of East Step Tourism in Egypt, spoke about possible humanitarian projects to expand cooperation in the field of sports, tourism, joint festivals and sports and recreational activities.

Vladimir Bagrov, president of the Center for Commercial and Cultural Cooperation with African Countries, discussed cooperation in the field of cinema. He recalled the importance of the film industry in African countries and highlighted the prospects for cooperation in this area. Dr Nyengo Stevens, Cameroonian director and producer suggested that cinema could serve as an instrument of cultural diplomacy. He proposed organizing joint film festivals, signing agreements between film producers and film companies to create high-quality products that could interest international audiences.

Natalia SmakotinaDoctor of Sociological Sciences and Professor, Director of the Department of Global Social Processes and Work with Youth at the Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov University, proposed to organize specialized educational programs on work with youth in order to promote friendship and cooperation. Ilya Cherchnevprogram director of the Russia – Africa Club, lecturer at Lomonosov University, supported this idea and proposed establishing a training program, as well as creating continuing education courses on the implementation of humanitarian projects and public diplomacy programs between Russia and African countries.

Afoua Sylvain Egountchi Behanzin, founding President of the Black African Defense League (LDNA), is convinced that the education sector in Africa has been expropriated by the West, in particular by the United States. Through their educational projects, they influence the minds of young Africans. According to the speaker, the traditions of Russian education are excellent and many young Africans dream of having access to this knowledge. The speaker thanked Russia for the scholarships provided to African students. He also expressed hope that Russia would contribute to the training of teaching staff for Africa.

Bokary Guindo, president of the national commission of the Ginna Dogon youth office in Mali, proposed developing cooperation between museums in Africa and Russia. He also noted that there is enormous potential for developing tourist flows between our countries.

Elena Vartanovadean of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov University, professor and academician of the Russian Academy of Journalism, Anna Gladkovavice-dean for international cooperation at the Faculty of Journalism, and Denis Dunas, senior researcher of the Faculty of Journalism and lecturer at the Russian Academy of Education, presented the results of the research entitled “The image of Africa in the Russian media: conflict aspect”. The researchers came to the conclusion that the analysis of conflicts which occupy an important place in the news, does not prevent the Russian media from talking about Africa as a region with high potential, and the need to strengthen relations, which is consistent with Russia’s national interests.

Dr. Yves Ekoué Amaïzo, a Togolese economist specializing in strategies, advice and negotiations, stressed the importance of developing video content, which primarily attracts young people. According to him, Russia’s BRICS presidency should be used to promote joint initiatives and expand cooperation.

Aldo Newman, director and founder of the magazine “Those Who Make Africa”, noted that for the Russian and African media spheres to penetrate each other, it is necessary to launch channels broadcasting in the languages ​​of the peoples of our countries. He believes that it is necessary to rely more on local media which have authority among the population to promote the Russian vision of current affairs and the common values ​​specific to our countries.

Louis GouendPresident of the Diaspora of the Republic of Cameroon in the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission for Work with African Diasporas and Public Relations of the Russia – Africa Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University, spoke about the media project of the Russia – Africa Club of Lomonosov University which created the information platform “Rusafromedia” (This portal brings together Russian and African journalists. He invited participants to register on this website and to publish more actively there their texts, to exchange relevant information on the life of the Russian-African partnership.

In conclusion, Alexandre Berdnikov, executive secretary of the Club, outlined the main directions in which the work of the Club should be continued. All proposals will be part of a final document of the conference and will be transmitted to official structures working for Russian-African cooperation.

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