My daughter at 22 has seen 500 shows and read 1000 plays

by time news

THE Apostolos Gletsos is tonight’s guest on ‘Night Out’.

The well-known actor and politician talks about his career and remembers his first steps in acting. He makes his self-criticism and points out the mistakes he made either in his behavior or in his roles.

In an excerpt of the upcoming interview aired on the show “Eleni”, Apostolos Gletsos spoke about the daughter his and her artistic inclination.

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Specifically, he stated: “Okay, kid, I don’t know exactly. I imagine. He is studying now, studying political science. You who are a young kid, I’m sure because I see that the talent is there, at some point he will direct you. What aesthetics this child has, what knowledge. I can’t talk to her, I can’t. What should I discuss? What should I discuss with her? For the world theater that knows everything? At the age of 22, she has seen 500 shows and read 1000 plays. What should I discuss with her? To discuss music, to discuss painting? What should I discuss? I feel illiterate. No, I didn’t give her the mark. He was born with it.”

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