Everything companies should know to comply with the Equality Plan provided by the Violet Law – 2024-03-18 21:53:06

by times news cr

2024-03-18 21:53:06

It is important to remember that to guarantee access to employment under equal conditions, it is essential to combat inequality between men and women at home.

Five months remain for Ecuadorian companies, with more than 50 workers, to present their Equality Plan, as provided by the Organic Law of the Violet Economy in Ecuador. If they do not comply with this requirement, employers may receive various sanctions ranging from $200 dollars to 20 unified basic salaries. In this context, Adecco prepared a complete guide on everything that should be considered, with the aim of supporting the business sector in compliance with this new regulation, whose main objective is promote gender equality in the workplace.

According to Gabriela López, Consulting leader at Adecco Ecuador, “To promote equitable and egalitarian work spaces through public policies, it is emerging that employers assume their leading role. This implies that they are up to date with the new requirements of the Ministry of Labor, seek advice and be aware of the needs of their workers, so that a true change is generated in favor of labor equity, with safe and more humane jobs..

First a general overview:

  • At a global level, the economic crisis, mainly in countries like Ecuador, which was aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic, increased the conditions of inequality faced by women in the labor market. Unemployment, low salaries (when they have a formal job), reduction in income, increase in poverty, deterioration of living conditions, are some of the social consequences that harm this gender.
  • Closing to 2023, according to the World Bank, almost 2.4 billion women of working age still do not have the same rights that men have. Likewise, another worrying fact according to UN Women (2023) is that women earn 16% to 18% less than men and only 28% of them, within the economically active population (EAP), have a job. adequate, compared to 40% of men.

What does the new regulation provide?

  • The objective of the Equality Plan is to achieve, in a company or workplace, equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, as well as to achieve the elimination of discrimination based on gender.
  • The request for registration of the equality plan must be made through the Ministry of Labor’s computer platform and will be valid for 4 years. Afterwards, a new diagnosis and plan must be registered. In addition, the employer will have the commitment to disseminate and socialize among his collaborators.
  • The Ministry of Labor will award recognition to companies that demonstrate progress in the application of equality and equity policies, called the Violet Seal.
  • The badge will allow recognized firms to be promoted nationally or internationally by the Ministries of Labor and Production.

What should employers do?

  • Consider the measures included in the regulations to prevent workplace sexual harassment.
  • Seek advice from experts in human talent management.
  • Implement equal opportunity talent acquisition plans, regardless of gender.
  • Train all employees every year, and especially people in management positions, on prevention and immediate action to address cases of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Guarantee safe and equitable work spaces, with equal conditions.
  • Protect the rights of employees who report cases of workplace sexual harassment, through confidentiality.
  • Identify discrimination factors in time, maintaining direct and transversal communication with all collaborators.
  • Be impartial when solving a risk problem regarding workplace harassment.

What do companies need to know?

  • Do a comprehensive review of the Violet Economy Law.
  • Have a deep understanding of the content and objectives of the Equality Plan.
  • Have a true commitment to gender equality.
  • Do a self-examination, based on sincerity and honesty about the real situation of the company, identifying what its shortcomings and needs are. At this point it is essential to seek help.
  • Develop the objectives and contents in accordance with the Equality Plan, adapted to the reality of each company or organization.
  • Mark a roadmap for the implementation of the plan.
  • Form an Equality Committee and responsible people.

What aspects should be considered within the equity plan?

  • Observe personnel selection and hiring processes with a gender perspective.
  • Consider training and training programs on gender equality.
  • Establish initiatives that promote female employment in management and executive positions, and in promotions.
  • Have a fair salary scheme that eliminates the salary gap.
  • Exercise internal and external communication with a gender focus.
  • Consider the reconciliation of personal, family and work life in your policies and processes.
  • Risk prevention with a gender perspective.
  • Prevention of discrimination, workplace harassment and workplace sexual harassment.

It is important to remember that to guarantee access to employment under equal conditions, it is essential to combat inequality between men and women at home. A selection process with a gender perspective allows companies to incorporate people who contribute talent and innovation, regardless of whether they are men or women.

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