Clashes between fans during the Serie C match Padova-Catania: the police intervene on the pitch

by time news

Tension and police intervention on the pitch at the Euganeo stadium in Padua. During the interval of the first leg of the Serie C final between Padova and Catania, a group of Sicilian ultras broke into the hosts’ supporters’ stand, throwing smoke bombs and tearing down their banners. Others instead rushed onto the field and set off some firecrackers from there. The police immediately took action to calm the violence, including with charges in the north curve. Three Catania ultras were taken to the police station: their position is being examined by the authorities. The match, which then ended 2-1 for Padova, resumed after being suspended for a quarter of an hour. There appear to be no injuries.

The condemnation of Catania

Catania Football Club commented on what happened on its official website: the team “stigmatizes the behavior of the troublemakers involved in the clashes and excesses at the Euganeo stadium” and condemns “firmly and categorically any form of violence, expressing full solidarity with the police” .

Lega Pro: “Such incidents have nothing to do with sport”

The Lega Pro also expressed “firm condemnation of the events that occurred during the first leg final of the Serie C Italian Cup between Padova and Catania”. A note then states that “episodes of this kind, which have nothing to do with sport, will never find space or excuses within competitions organized by the Lega Pro”. President Matteo Marani: “We are sorry that an evening of celebration and fairness on the pitch was ruined at half-time by the excesses of some fans. We strongly condemn what happened. Thanks to the intervention of the police, further clashes were averted “-

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