NATO Eurofighters intercept Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea again | – News

by time news

As of: March 20, 2024 8:53 a.m

After NATO Eurofighters from Laage intercepted a Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea on Monday, the Air Force published another mission on Tuesday. A spokesman for the Air Force said there was no increase in such operations.

NATO Eurofighters intercepted another Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea on Tuesday. It was a long-range reconnaissance aircraft, said Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Arne Bremkens, head of the airspace security situation center, to NDR in MV. The aircraft, according to an Air Force posting on “X” an IL-76 “Candid”, is currently making its daily rounds from Kaliningrad. Various NATO alarm squads were deployed to accompany the Russian aircraft.

“No NATO airspace violated”

The Russian plane did not violate any NATO airspace, emphasized Bremkens. This did not happen in other incidents either. Even if it appears that way at the moment, there is no concentration of such incidents. NATO is not accompanying the Russian planes to push them away, but rather to show its presence. NATO is also signaling, “that’s our airspace and they should please stay away from it.”


11 Min

Russian reconnaissance aircraft are repeatedly identified by Eurofighters over the Baltic Sea. An interview with the head of the Aviation Security Situation Center, Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Bremkens. 11 mins

On Monday an IL-20 was accompanied twice by alarm crews

On Monday, another Russian aircraft, reportedly an IL-20, was accompanied by NATO Eurofighters over the southern Baltic Sea. Machines from Laage and the new NATO member Sweden were also involved. As Bremkens reported, the same aircraft was again accompanied by NATO aircraft six hours later on another of its flights over the Baltic Sea. However, no Eurofighters from Laage were involved.

Further information

According to the Air Force, a Russian military aircraft without a flight plan and radio contact had to be identified over the Baltic Sea east of Rügen on Monday. more

Eurofighters repeatedly take off over the Baltic Sea because of Russian reconnaissance aircraft. An Air Force lieutenant colonel explains the background. more

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NDR 1 Radio MV | News from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | March 19, 2024 | 6:00 p.m

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