The “Together” movement calls on the National Assembly forces to submit a draft of the National Assembly resolution expressing no confidence in Pashinyan – 2024-04-07 14:59:58

by times news cr

2024-04-07 14:59:58

The alternative socio-political movement “Together” appeals to the three factions of the RA NA and independent deputies to conclude the discussion of the government’s performance in the NA sessions with the demand to present and put to a vote a draft of the NA decision expressing no confidence in the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in accordance with Article 115, 1 and 2 of the RA Constitution. of points.

This is mentioned in the statement of demands issued by the movement.

The demand also states: “The basis for expressing no confidence in Nikol Pashinyan is his absolute violation of the main content of the document having the force of law “Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026)” adopted by the RA NA on August 18, 2021.

The alternative socio-political movement “Together” states that according to Article 146, Clause 2 of Chapter 6 of the RA Constitution: “The government develops and implements the domestic and foreign policy of the state based on its plan”, as well as Article 152, Clause 1. “The Prime Minister determines the main directions of the Government’s policy within the framework of the Government’s plan, directs the Government’s activities and coordinates the work of the Government’s members.” We add that according to Article 7, Clause 1 of Chapter 3 of the RA Law “On the Structure and Activities of the Government”. “The Prime Minister decides the main directions of the internal and external policies of the Government within the framework of the Government’s plan, which are mandatory for the members of the Government.”

With a few examples, let’s reveal the obvious inconsistency between the provisions of the above-mentioned program and the policy implemented by the government. The first paragraph of the preamble states: “The program is based on 2021 In the extraordinary parliamentary elections of June 20, the provisions of the pre-election program of the “Civil Pact” party, the obligations assumed before the citizens of Armenia, the pre-election promises given to them, the transformation of Armenia until 2050. on strategy.”

Reading the points of the “Preface”, we are convinced that the Government of the Republic of Armenia, having declared the most important principles, has practically aborted their substantive implementation. Thus, I promise: “The government intends to take serious measures in the direction of consolidating the best public and national potential. Establishment of national unity based on law and justice, mutual respect, exclusion of hatred and degrading speech is one of the priority tasks of the government. As they do, without comment.

The programmatic promises were subject to mandatory implementation, and if they had to be changed for some reason, then only after the decisions made by the National Assembly. It is a fact that the government did not appeal to the National Assembly and independently implemented a policy contrary to what was announced.

In particular, chapter one: “Security and foreign policy”.

Quoting: “The factors for ensuring the security of the Republic of Armenia are: the modernizing Armenian army, the Armenian-Russian strategic alliance, Armenia’s membership in the CSTO, the unblocking of regional infrastructures, the co-chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group, the foreign policy of proactive and effective involvement in all directions, the stable system of national security bodies and etc”.

To date, the modernizing Armenian army has not acquired such types of modern weapons, the presence of which will restrain the enemy’s absurd and groundless claims to the territories of our country.

From the point of view of development, the field of military industry is not competitive, it does not meet the requirements of the modernizing army. This is evidenced by the absence of large-scale military exercises, the complete elimination of military parades, which would have shown the people and, especially, the enemy, the open and hidden power of the Armenian army.

The protocol-obligations stipulated in the paragraph regarding the Armenian-Russian strategic alliance were not only not fulfilled, but were completely defeated. The RA government did not consider it necessary to turn to the National Assembly in order to approve the new principles of the program disrupted by it with its strategic ally. The false and misleading narrative that we are pursuing a peace agenda only encourages the enemy to impose new territorial demands on Armenia.

In the paragraph “The membership of the Republic of Armenia to the CSTO” the government assured that “it will continue to be actively involved in the activities of the structure… which will best reflect and serve the interests and common goals of the member states.”

What are the political motives behind the disruption of normal statutory relations with the structure, is a matter for discussion in the future. However, it is a fact that the RA government does not know or deliberately ignores the prediction of deep, political-political processes and the consequences arising from it.

Another example, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship sub-section specifically emphasizes the role of the co-chairmanship in resolving the Karabakh problem and clarifying the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Moreover, in the foreign policy sub-section it is directly stated: “The guidelines of the government’s foreign policy are: protection of the state interests of the Republic of Armenia, ensuring the rights and security of the people of Artsakh…” “Ensuring the security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh” and, in particular, “the Republic of Armenia will continue to be the guarantor of the security of the people of Artsakh and will continue to work in the direction of protecting the rights of the people of Artsakh” was declared as the main task of the government.

In other words, the RA government in 2021 does not plan to recognize the Republic of Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. And already one year later, recognizing the territory of the Republic of Artsakh as a result of the national-liberation struggle by the RA Prime Minister’s verbal statement as part of Azerbaijan is nothing more than a gross violation of the current Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and another serious reason to distrust him.

Taking into account that we are attaching to this Demand Letter the booklet “100 reasons to express no confidence in Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan”, which systematically presents the facts characterizing his activities, we will look at the latest statements of the RA government regarding interstate territorial changes. We remind you that any change or concession of the RA territory, no matter what kind of “justification” is presented, can be implemented only through a popular referendum. Otherwise, it is a violation of the constitutional norm and order, with all its consequences, up to criminal responsibility.

Thus, the CP party led by Nikol Pashinyan in 2021. He participated in the pre-election campaign in the extraordinary NA elections and received the majority of the RA voters’ vote with the principles related to the internal and external political orientations and goals of the RA, which became the 2021-2026 term of the government headed by him on August 18. program priorities.

According to the requirements of the mentioned RA laws, he had to implement an internal and external political course exclusively within the framework of that program. However, in 2021 After the elections, Nikol Pashinyan, who held the position of the RA Prime Minister, violated almost all the principles of his own program, implementing a diametrically opposite course, that is, he should resign from the position of the Prime Minister, as a person who has failed his program and lacks the people’s vote.

Addressing the deputies of the factions represented in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, we warn you that each of you bears personal responsibility in determining the fate of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, the Armenian people.

The national image of an Armenian has been formed as a dignified person who preserves his identity, is faithful to the national value system, protects his family, fights for the Motherland and the state, does not fall in front of the enemy. Today, it depends on your individual decision whether you meet the requirements or not.

Our demand to express no confidence in the current Prime Minister is reasonable and stems from our state and national interests.

“Miasin” alternative social-political movement, in accordance with the law, is ready to present a candidate for the RA Prime Minister.

This letter of demand will be presented to the participants of the rally to be held on March 27 at 18:00.

We expect to receive your decision by April 10, 2024.”

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