2024-04-13 20:08:27
Like sport, following ministerial reshuffles, Culture has been tossed around between different departments. We had to wait for the constitution of the government after the presidential election of October 18, 2020, to finally see the Culture sector detached from the Ministry of Sports and Historical Heritage. This structural changeturel led people to believe notable changes in this sector. Despite professions of faith, it is possible to note today that Culture does notstill not in the diary of the priorities of our leaders. Tangible signs of this observation are clearly perceptible: among others, the notorious weakness of the allocated budget at the ministry from Culture. A situation which constitutes a serious obstacle to the implementation of the activities of this ministry.
Faced with this obvious disinterest in the field of Culture, it is up to all those interested in cultural issues to attract the attention of our decision-makers, and to raise their awareness of the issue. Our country, which in the seventies represented the torchbearer of Culture in the sub-region, and to a certain extent on a continental scale, is today recording a worrying decline.
For my part, I propose below some avenues for reflection, which I sincerely hope will spark a fruitful debate likely to initiate a revitalization of our cultural policy.
Ø In my humble opinion, the first measure to be taken by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Crafts is the creation of a ad hoc commission, which will work on the implementation of the national cultural policy. launched in 2018. It is a reference document in the field
Ø A cleansing of the show world biz is to be operated. Are all local entertainment agencies in compliance with the texts in force? Do they have functional seats? Do they pay all required fees and taxes? To answer these questions and many others, an inventory and systematic control are necessary.
Ø Conakry is one of the rare capitals in Africa not to have a library worthy of the name. Conakry and regional capitals deserve well-equipped libraries. The project of centres reading carried out with French cooperation should be strengthened and continued to cover the prefectures and sub-prefectures.
Ø Through bilateral cooperation (China, Korea or Japan), our country should finally acquire a high-quality cultural palace;
Ø The Paillote center could be developed to make it an arts city with a concert hall, recording studio, conference room, restaurant, etc. If the area is not suitable for this, create an arts city in the upper suburbs with all the associated amenities. In this regard, why not update the artist’s project Mamadi Keïta Falowho had designed a city to be established around Sonfonia
Ø The Sandervalia Museum currently being renovated/extendedcould be made profitable by initiating income-generating activities (organization of paid visits for the public and students, conference debates, exhibition openings, etc.)
Ø What is the status of the Dubréka Institute of Fine Arts? This higher education center falls under two ministerial departments: higher education and culture. A judicious decision will have to be made to make this center much more efficient. Our former musicians will be able to find a base there. More and more, our young artists are turning away from musical instruments. An approach must be taken to encourage vocations as instrumentalists from secondary school onwards.
Ø As part of the initiatives, the national theater is to be provided with a permanent hall where artists can perform.
Ø In relation with the Ministry of Tourism and other ministerial departments involved in the implementation of the national cultural policy in force, a synergy of actions should be considered to ensure the full success of all the programs initiated by the Ministry of Tourism. Culture, Tourism and Crafts
Ø I have deliberately ignored the critical situation of Guinean cinema, since a study was commissioned with certain resource people. It is simply a matter of implementing the recommendations made.
Ø On a regulatory level, review all texts enacted in the field of Culture. This evaluation will help fill the existing void at the institutional level.
Ø It would be wise to appropriate the notion of cultural industries. With this in mind, what is the share of contribution or support that falls to the State, and that of cultural operators. For the latter, the ministry should be able to clean up the environment by setting precise criteria to be met by those who want to invest with the status of cultural operators.
Ø Consider a mechanism for establishing a fund to support cultural promotion.
Ø Events like FESCORA, and the percussion meeting could be relaunched in the years to come. The medium-term objective is to restore our country to its status as an incandescent center of culture in the sub-region.
These non-exhaustive ideas deserve to be deepened and enriched in order to stimulate the cultural renewal of the country.
Thierno Saïdou Diakité
Consultant/[email protected]