Consult with Chatico and learn about the Bogotá water rationing shift

by time news

Starting this Wednesday, April 10, Bogota residents can consultyour scheduled turn for cutting or rationing water in neighborhoods, towns or areas through Chatico, the city’s virtual agent.

The process is very simple, you just have to access the WhatsApp number 316 023 1524 or enter the following link: hello to Chatico and select option 1 from the drop-down menu: “Bogotá water cuts, find out when it is your turn to restrict.”

Chatico will ask you if the query is about an address in Bogotá or a municipality in the City – Region and, with this indication, the chatbot will respond by asking you the exact address and will give you all the information on the restriction day and the assigned time.

At the end of the conversation, Chatico will share an image with some tips to save water such as, for example, choosing a song of 3 to a maximum of 5 minutes to liven up the bathroom or turning off the faucet when soaping the dishes, among others, which can be shared on social networks or forward to friends and family so they stay informed about scheduled appointments.

“Our virtual agent, supported by artificial intelligence and natural language processing, will provide citizens with 24/7 attention at this time when we need everyone to contribute to save water and quickly know the days and times when those who will not have access to the service,” said the Mayor, Carlos Fernando Galán.

You can also scan the following QR code to access the chat with Chatico:

On the first day of operation, the chatbot has received more than 8,000 conversations per hour, a traffic that had never occurred before, therefore, its operation will be permanently monitored so that, in the event of intermittency, measures are taken to expedite response times.

Since its creation in 2022, Chatico has responded to more than one million two hundred thousand conversations. Furthermore, this year has been fundamental for the reception of more than 70,000 proposals from citizens for the construction of the District Development Plan 2024 – 2028, a process that will be active until April 16.

It should be remembered that, in addition to Chatico, the Mayor’s Office had a map on the page, so that people can also consult the restriction days on the website.

Follow this step by step

1. The address must be entered in the search bar of the water rationing map. The system helps to write it.

2. Then, the address is selected with one click and the system will indicate the location on the map.

3. In the dialog box, you need to click on the “Restriction scheme: check it here” option.

4. Finally, the shift information, date and restriction time will be displayed.

It should be noted that this measure will be applied indefinitely while the water reserve levels in the city reach stabilization. Therefore, it is necessary for citizens to constantly consult the shifts defined by the District and also permanently adopt actions for responsible consumption of this vital liquid.

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