2024-05-01 05:03:34
Both green tea and lemon are beneficial for health. Drinking green tea mixed with lemon can relieve many health related problems. Adding lemon to green tea increases its benefits even further. The high amount of anti-oxidants present in these two strengthens your immunity and also protects you from the risk of many diseases. Apart from antioxidants, flavonoids and other phytonutrients are also found in green tea.
According to the National Institute of Health, consuming these two together is also beneficial for your digestion. Its consumption helps in digesting food and reduces stomach related problems. Apart from stomach, it has many other health benefits. Let us know about it.
The power of digestion will increase
Consuming lemon in green tea improves digestion and helps in digesting food easily. It can reduce stomach related problems. Green tea is also helpful in helping restore the body’s natural pH level.
Heart health will improve
The combination of antioxidants present in green tea and Vitamin C of lemon is good for your heart health. This reduces the risk of heart related problems. Due to this, cholesterol level also remains correct and there is no blockage of veins.
Herbal Tea for Good Metabolism: Drink this herbal tea instead of milk tea, you will remain fresh throughout the day.
The body will get energy
Drinking green tea with lemon also increases energy in the body. Green tea is a natural source of caffeine, which is also a central nervous system stimulant. Vitamin C present in lemon can also provide energy to the body.
good for weight loss
Green tea is a very good drink for weight loss and adding lemon to it further enhances its benefits. By drinking both together, metabolism starts working faster, due to which calories are burnt faster and fat starts reducing.
Reduction in cancer risk
A phytochemical called limonene present in lemon may be helpful in fighting cancer. Antioxidants and epigallocatechin gallate present in green tea are natural compounds. Which protects the body from damage caused by free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer.
Disclaimer:This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.