The authorities for the first time estimated the share of SMEs associated with state-owned companies in procurement

by time news

The SME Corporation (KMSP) for the first time tested suppliers among small and medium-sized businesses for affiliation with their largest customers – companies with state participation. The monitoring results are available from Vedomosti. Last year, 137 unique “supplier-customer” pairs had signs of affiliation (direct and indirect), follows from the monitoring. In total, they signed 410 contracts for a total amount of more than 13 billion rubles. At the same time, in the total volume of purchases of state-owned companies from SMEs (it exceeded 4.3 trillion rubles in 2021), the share of such transactions is only 0.3%. The perimeter of the analysis of KMSP includes 1839 largest customers – state-owned companies, among which, for example, there are VTB, Rostelecom, Russian Railways, Russian Post, Transneft, Sberbank. Next year KMSP plans to double the number of monitoring companies.

The check was carried out according to the following criteria: the presence of a direct connection through the ownership of shares in the authorized capital, the presence of an affiliation of the SME with the customer’s management bodies, belonging to the same group of persons, the coincidence of phone numbers and legal addresses of the SME and the customer.

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