Named the mistake of starvation, leading to obesity

by time news

In an attempt to lose weight and maintain health, many people go to extremes, such as exhausting themselves by starving themselves. In addition to the fact that almost no one – and completely in vain – does not undergo a medical examination, many do not even consider it necessary to coordinate their weight loss program with nutritionists. As a result, the result often turns out to be deplorable: excess weight does not go away, sometimes on the contrary, and new health problems appear.

Recently, the so-called intermittent fasting has come into fashion. However, nutritionists emphasize that it should be carried out according to a clear schedule and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. Instead, overweight people limit themselves to simply skipping meals during the day. And often they refuse breakfast, increasing the duration of the period without food between the early dinner of the previous day and the lunch of the current day. But experts urge not to do this in any case, because the effect is the opposite.

Not only late dinner contributes to obesity, in particular, the growth of visceral fat – internal, enveloping the organs in the abdominal cavity. The same result has the refusal of the first meal in the morning, writes the site EatThisNotThat. The publication refers to the results of a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. According to the publication, “eating fewer calories in the morning or skipping breakfast entirely contributes to overall weight gain.” The reason lies in insulin. The thing is that when you skip breakfast, insulin levels tend to rise, triggering a fat accumulation reaction in the body. Not to mention the side effect of such improper fasting: being hungry in the morning, a person runs the risk of eating much more food during the day than he actually needs.

Experts recommend that you have breakfast in the morning, preferring the same “slow carbohydrates” like oatmeal with fruit. This fibrous product breaks down much more slowly than the “fast carbohydrates” found in, for example, sweets, and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

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