Named three simple habits against brain aging

by time news

Brain aging and the accompanying cognitive decline, memory impairment, even physiological manifestations are a natural process. Another thing is that it is not at all necessary that the brain should begin to work worse at some “set” time, upon reaching a certain age. And it is certainly a mess if the brain activity disorders begin too early, even before the onset of old age. However, in order to delay possible problems, or even prevent them altogether, you should take care of the health and “youth” of your brain from a young age.

In the development of negative processes in the brain, both heredity and the environment surrounding a person and the individual characteristics of his body and psyche are involved. But all people, without exception, are equally at risk: if you do not follow at least the basic rules for maintaining brain health, one day problems may arise.

There are three simple daily habits that help keep your brain healthy. The first is good and enough sleep. During sleep, the brain builds new neural connections, strengthens existing ones and cuts off all “unnecessary” ones, which positively affects memory, writes Harper’s Bazaar. Also during sleep, the glial-lymphatic system is cleansed, the brain gets rid of toxins.

The second rule is to study, study and study again. The learning process makes the brain train, create new neural connections – that is why older people are encouraged to learn foreign languages, attend any training courses, preferably with a “mathematical” bias, for example, computer literacy courses. Although new sports like table tennis and drawing lessons are also suitable. Or at least memorize poems. Any activity that involves receiving and processing new information is fine, Bazaar notes. And this applies not only to the elderly, but also to young people.

As the third advice, the publication cites the following: take dietary supplements. However, it is important to emphasize here that the intake of any drugs, even vitamins, should be agreed with your doctor. If there are no contraindications, then dietary supplements can be good helpers in preserving the youthfulness of the brain. For example, scientists from Harvard concluded that a complex of vitamins B6, B9 and B12, E and omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the construction of membranes in brain cells and have a preventive effect against inflammatory processes, as well as reduce oxidative stress. But a deficiency of these substances can increase the risk of cognitive decline.

See also: “Named the best foods for breakfast against visceral fat”

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