Hundreds of men liable for military service gather at mobilization points in the DPR

by time news

At the points of mobilization, hundreds of men liable for military service gather, ready to go to the front line with weapons in their hands. On Monday, another group of volunteers arrived at the recruiting station in the Proletarsko-Budyonnovsky district of Donetsk. Some are already in military uniform, it is immediately clear that the guys have service experience. They were distinguished by military bearing, uniforms and a serious look. But there were a lot of those who noticeably felt somehow out of place. Young guys looked around, asked where they should go, where to go, what to have with them.

“Yesterday they called and told me to come to the recruiting station at such and such an address. But I didn’t know what to take with me. I called my uncle, who fought, he consulted me,” said Andrei from the Proletarsky district of Donetsk. The guy recently turned 22 years old, and he admitted that he was not going to shirk the service. “Now is the time that every man is obliged to repay his debt to the Motherland,” he said.

Father of many children Andrey Nikolaevich from Torez said that he could not stay away from the draft

But the military pensioner Aleksey said that, despite the existing reservation, he came to the military enlistment office and signed up as a volunteer. “Yesterday the summons came, and today I am already here. I have taken part in the hostilities before. Now I am retired. But if the Motherland calls for service, then we must go,” the man said.

In 2014, he first served in the commandant’s office of a military unit, and then in the internal troops. After retirement, he worked in government agencies, so he could be exempted from conscription. “I couldn’t stay at home, now a lot of young people come to serve, the guys need to be trained in military affairs, supported. Considering that I have an officer rank, I will pass on to the young guys my experience, which I had since 2014. Today at the recruiting station I met a lot of guys, with whom he fought, people return and take up arms,” ​​Aleksey shared his impressions.

Father of many children, Andrei Nikolaevich from Torez, said that he could not stay away from the draft. “Yes, I could not go, and I don’t quite fit in age, and the reservation of a civil servant applies to me, but this is not about me. Federation is in military service in the Russian Federation. Today I told my wife that I’m not going to hide behind the backs of my children. All the soldiers in my family. Dad raised them like that, and dad should be ahead, “he explained his position.

There is a whole military dynasty in their family. “Starting with my great-grandfather, everyone in our family served. Both grandfathers went through the Great Patriotic War, one was an anti-aircraft gunner, the second smashed the Bandera underground in the NKVD troops. our cities, he never went down to the basement,” recalls Andrey Nikolayevich.

It must be admitted that some mothers are now trying to hide their sons from mobilization. “When they choose shame between war and shame, they get both war and shame. This is what I want to say to such parents, if guys can hold weapons in their hands, there are forces, not disabled people, they must go and defend the Motherland. On the other hand, I I can’t blame them, but mothers need to understand that in order for them to sleep peacefully, someone must hold back the onslaught of the enemy. And who, if not us? Andrey Nikolaevich emphasized.

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