Ganz revealed: This is the country in South America that is helping Iran

by time news

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz addressed the Conference of Presidents of Jewish Organizations in the United States at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem this evening (Tuesday). “water.

“If there is a nuclear deal between Iran and the superpowers, it is not the end of the verse but the beginning of the actions we must take. The agreement and what happens after it. “There is no doubt that the IBA’s enforcement and supervision is critical – but it is not enough. Even if an agreement is signed, offensive capabilities and a package of significant sanctions must be prepared in case Iran sooner or later violates it,” Gantz began.
Gantz added: “According to the data we have, after the signing of the previous nuclear deal, Iran has increased its defense budgets by 50%. Iran’s aggression does not only affect the region, I would like to reveal to you today one picture that says it all. In addition to the development of Iranian UAVs through Iranian knowledge in Venezuela, our estimates indicate that advanced and accurate armament adapted to Mujahar 6 and other UAV models has been sent from Iran to Venezuela recently. In my meetings with many partners from around the world, including from Africa and America, they express concern over Iran’s support for terrorist-supporting countries and terrorist organizations around them. The Iranian threat proves time and time again that it is a global, regional and Israeli challenge. “

Iranian aid to Venezuela (Photo: Defense Minister spokeswoman)

“Iran is in a social and economic crisis. There are demonstrations, famine, water shortages and serious human rights violations. Therefore, in Iran’s current budget proposal, there should be major reform and investment in welfare. I pray that this will happen, and that if money enters Iran as a result of the agreement But I have great doubts about it. Therefore, the international community, under the leadership of the United States, must constantly think about both defensive and offensive measures, in order to deal with Iranian aggression anywhere, anytime .. We have the ability Develop defense systems, and we have a duty to share intelligence and means as a community to pressure Iran to stop generating terrorism. “These are important tasks that will continue to be carried out and intensified, regardless of the existence or non-existence of a nuclear agreement,” Gantz concluded.

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