Germany first began research after vaccination: 873 deaths

by time news

The country is conducting a systematic study on the consequences of vaccination with Western vaccines

To be honest, I even started to respect the Germans. You have no idea how their famous pediatricians are now fighting to prevent mass vaccinations of children by Pfizer and AstraZeneca … An advisory group from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that some teens and young people who received the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 have faced with inflammation of the heart.

CDC experts recommend further investigation of this rare condition.

Heart problems began a few days after the second injection. A condition known as myocarditis can result from certain infections. The specialists provided very few details, saying that there were “relatively few” such cases. And a few days ago, not the first study of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on complications and deaths after vaccinations in Germany itself was also published.

The previous analysis is dated at the end of April. It has 25 pages, many graphs, at that time (from February to April), experts recorded about 50 thousand complications after vaccination, deaths – 524.

And now, in just a month and a half, an increase of more than 300 deaths.

On May 31, PEI recorded a total of 873 deaths at varying time intervals from vaccination. Affected people between the ages of 24 and 102. Of course, more often than not, these are pensioners who generally endure many medical manipulations more difficult.

The 73 deaths were not attributed to a side effect of vaccination, but to coronavirus disease after vaccination.

Most of the reported deaths have occurred after vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine. However, this is natural, since of the 50 million vaccines introduced in the country at the end of May, more than 70 percent fell on Pfizer,

“The vast majority of those who died had several chronic diseases that could probably contribute to their death,” says the Paul Ehrlich Institute.

The youngest patient died from the effects of drug use immediately after vaccination.

A total of 21 patients in Germany who received the “Oxford vaccine” died as a result of sinus venous thrombosis effect. One woman died from this complication as a result of Pfizer’s vaccination.

Research on adverse reactions and side effects to Western vaccines is ongoing.


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