2024-08-15 05:10:36
Artak Zakaryan, a member of the RPA Executive Body, wrote:
“Some urgently need “culprits”.
There has never been a lack of “water mudders” in the public sphere of our country, and even more so now. There have always been topics that have been given an artificial and wrong tone, and thanks to the “professional skills” of the obfuscationists, information domains and domestic conversations have become overloaded with empty talk.
2018 the events weighed heavily on the Armenian people and will continue to leave their bitter impact on the future course of the Republic of Armenia. Life has shown that not only state, political, public, cultural, scientific, military figures make mistakes, but also the majority of the people. 2018 April-May months, and especially in 2018. December 9 and 2021 The June 20 elections are a clear proof that the people can also make mistakes.
The range of people who are wrong about Nicole and her government is very wide and varied. Some made a mistake in rejecting the elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and the RPA. Some have made the mistake of going after Nicole and taking mass action in the streets. Some have made the mistake of joining, welcoming and supporting him. Some have made the mistake of believing Nicole’s lies and fabrications to vote for her party. Some have erred in not holding on to legitimate authority at all costs. Some made a mistake and are making a mistake in being on Nicol’s side or supporting his power and serving his nation-destructive policies, etc.
2018 the spring euphoria and “enthusiasm” was so great and illogical that many people did not realize that everyone took a match and with their own hands were going to set fire and destroy all the collective achievements of the Armenian people.
In my deep conviction, now many people have realized and realize the direct and indirect mistakes they have made. But for now, not everyone is ready to accept it and unite to fix them. Because, just as the mistakes were committed against the former authorities in a united way, willy-nilly, so it is possible to correct them in a united way against the authorities of Nikol. Our enemies also understand this simple truth and talk about it, calling it revenge.
After many mistakes made in recent years, some circles, with the zeal of muddying water, are trying to wash away their sins at the expense of the force that fought against this tragedy from the very beginning, warned about the sad consequences of Nicole in a thousand languages, and suffered the most. They simply forget how proud and happy they were of their “victory” after taking the power from Serzh Sargsyan and handing it over to Nikol. Of course, the reasons were understandable long ago.
It is also clear why they are raising the stupid question “who brought Nikol to power” right now, and not, for example, in 2018-20? This suggests that Nicole’s authority is on the verge of zero and no one wants to be associated with her and her nationwide failures anymore. Many public and political figures, who mistakenly welcomed and supported Nikol’s change of power, realize that in a small country it is difficult to remain unnoticed by history. They realize that in 2018 the change of power, against their will, turned into a betrayal of national interests, the complete loss of Artsakh, more than 5,000 victims, threats to the security and statehood of the Republic of Armenia. Therefore, just as Nicole often urgently needs someone to blame for her failures, some circles urgently need someone to blame. It is necessary to atone for sins before God (each of us for our part). Let everyone look for culprits in themselves and stay away from the harmful activities that feed Nicol’s capitulation mill and muddy the waters of the opposition field.
PS – There are even rumors that even many of the CP faction avoid public speech and contacts, realizing the inexplicable burden of impending responsibility. I won’t be surprised if the CP members start asking, “And who brought Nikol?”